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Posts posted by Marc

  1. 2 minutes ago, Stuntman707 said:

    Well I definitely won’t be going to FN if Big Top isn’t returning. That leaves potentially only three exclusive Fright Nights attractions, Platform, Blair Witch & Sanctum (Or whatever replaces it). 


    Assuming nothing new is added to the event lineup of course..

  2. Anyone know how icon is doing for the park? When was there for the tpm meet it felt busy, although not necessarily busier than I’ve seen it before. 


    I got an email offering free return visits too, along with the new advert I’m wondering if it’s had the effect they hoped?

  3. Its Friday Saturday and Sundays the restriction on Thorpe / Standard annual passes - so Thursdays are ok :) 


    Your thorpe / standard annal pass wont allow you entry on these days (Wont even scan), so you will need to purchase a ticket if you plan to visit them days.

  4. 35 minutes ago, NASHERTV_YT said:

    The Only reason why I say Studio 13 is returning is because of what I've been told/hinted by staff at the park and evidence that I've found


    The previous fright nights poster wall from the finale corridor from Studio 13 is inside zombie hunt's director scene

    The Director was the Main Character/icon of fright nights 2013-2014

    staff told us everything inside zombie hunt has Something to do with fright nights 2018

    and Studio 13 is a Maze that was created by thorpe themselves and is not a IP From Lionsgate/AMC and it's been 2 years since we've had a Non IP Maze and the last one which was created by thorpe themselves is Platform 15

    and finally I've just got a big feeling that Studio 13 is returning

    I wouldn’t get your hopes up - They won’t rip out the permanent I’m a Celebrity for a fright night maze - I’d be very Surprised to see Studio 13 of any fright night maze to be in that area any time soon.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Benin said:


    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...


    Perhaps as well the urge and desperation to have the latest technology without ensuring it is ready for the real life setting needs to be considered...


    Maybe so, but i'm sure hes not wrong in what he's saying, when a company like Merlin signs a contract with a supplier, i don't think its unreasonable for them to expect to get what they are promised - latest technology or not, as the consumer its not up to Merlin to say if it will work or not, surely that onus is on the supplier?

  6. Really good article with Nick Varney here - actually think he addresses what you say about ghost train too!


    “When the tech works well, it can offer the chance to create “even more mind-blowing immersive experiences”, he says.  However there is a caveat.  “A lot of suppliers out there are not delivering on their promises. You create demand, customers queue up, rides break down, and equipment doesn’t work: you end up disappointing a lot of people.  It was a point I raised at the IAAPA GM’s breakfast.”


    “We’ve quite had a lot of issues with this.  You want to be innovative but you always have to balance it with how certain you can be of a high level of delivery operationally with new rides and attractions.”



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