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Posts posted by TPDave

  1. My friend happens to be a ride host at thorpe and helped us get permission from the operator. I took the shot whilst we were being lifted to the top so there was no need for the operator to hold us at the top. There is a strap attached to the camera so it was tied securely to my arm, perfectly safe. As mentioned earlier, track has technically started to go up. They have got the track into the maintenance building. We saw some supports on a truck on the construction site, so that is a sign that supports should be going up soon... unless hurricane Katia doesn't cause disruption to the construction of The Swarm.

    The operator is not the person you need permission from, nor ride hosts.As far as I'm aware (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the park management's stance is that no onride photography is allowed during regular park operation.Anyway, nice to see the piling is continuing, That'll add a little more interaction to FF. It needs a bit more love, I think Neil is right about getting more footfall next year!
  2. Maintaining that many lights is a complete nightmare I guess, with quite a lot of reports over the last few years that it's a shadow of its former self. A lot of lights just don't work anymore. Whether they can be fixed is another matter.

    Maintaining the lights shouldn't be a problem. It's a decent sized rig but nothing more complicated than a medium sized touring show or a big nightclub. Those things are designed very we and I've never seen one "written off". They're modular, so it's pretty easy to fix them.That's a shame to hear, That was my favourite ride at the resort because of the light show. Sucks.Screw you DLRP!!Dave
  3. A rectangular trench? Do I sense a plane arriving at Thorpe soon?

    Why would they place final theming at this stage? It would just get destroyed during construction (not to mention cause headaches when installing the track). If they have the theming at the park already, it will probably be well off the site.The station is pretty impressively sized! Is there a separate maintenance shed for the ride or will it all be integrated?Dave
  4. Thorpe need to do more groundwork than other parks anyway, otherwise the thing would sink and then what?It'll be open (for 5 minutes) in March as it's meant to... No need for twisted knickers...

    They don't need to do any more groundwork, they needed to allow longer for settlement, but that's all fine as far as I'm aware and it shouldn't have any impact on the schedule.Dave
  5. Guys, I'm pretty sure they're on top of the schedule. Lets not armchair speculate about them being late with etc. when all we can see is superficial site pictures :closedeyes:Nice to see all of this trundling along, shame we won't get to see the theming being put in. Honestly that's the stuff I really want to see getting built!Dave

  6. Woo!I've been away for a while and missed the announcement, but was pleasantly surprised by it to be honest. I'm still looking forward to quite a few new rides next year over this, but I was expecting a monumental cock up from Merlin. As long as no external sponsors get involved I will be happy.

    I wonder if the uniformed men in that photograph are real soldiers or more actors? Soldiers would mean that the tank if definitely temporary as it appears to be under frequent observation from those who know how to use it. Actors would be ideal because it means Thorpe are already paying the finer attention to detail; a promising sign for further developments.

    This is possibly the greatest post I've seen on any forum. Ever.
  7. Many labels aren't taking the risks that they used to take because of the economy and the state of the music industry.

    1. If the music label has to take a large risk then you're probably not good enough.2. The music industry is in amazing shape. Don't confuse poor track sales with a bad industry.Dave
  8. Can anyone tell me the rules for coaster credits because I really want to do mine, thanks in advance!

    The are no official "rules" to it, just depends on what you class as a roller coaster. I count how many I've been on, but not how many times I've been on each individual one.Dave
  9. Well your video was just a rip of orlando attractions one, if you just wanted to get the news out there why didn't you just link to theirs ;)Either way, theres now a new PoV from today with audio where it is sunnier and generally looks better. I won't post it because people will claim I'm advertising!

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