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Status Updates posted by themeparkmad

  1. YAY! - It is extremely rare to see someone else whos favourite ride is Vampire!

    Also, Hello! lol. :)


    Btw - YAY!!!!

    I get my lift! Woop Woop!

    Looking forward to Colossus and Nemesis Inferno lol! :P:P

    And of course you lol ;) x

  3. Yeah Chelsea are playing as well :)

    Could of gone up but is a bloody nightmare with the trains etc on Boxing Day :(

    You go a lot to Reading judging by your FB statuses or uposed to that, you just watch Sky Sports News all day :L

    I wish Reading the best of luck for you my dear :) x

  4. Yeah I am good thanks ^_^

    Have a good day???

  5. Yeah I am good thanks.

    Got a break from college, so gone home but have to back up later.

    Amazing we can access this at college! :P

    I am very well thanks you?????

    And THORPE PARK project eh! I have my Chessington & Zoo project tomorrow.

    Your project ICT? :)

  6. Yeah I am good.

    Hope you don't catch the swine flu in your area! ;)


  7. Yeah I am okay apart from having too much work to do which is meaning less leisure for me :(

    Yeah Birthday was good. Didnt do much as was at college, but going to meet friends and go out Friday night.

    Hope Year 11 is being good to you so far! ;)

  8. Yeah I am okay thank you Mikey :)

    Just poped on here after just finishing Food Tech :(

    Sorry haven't spoken to you lately as I have had no stength to come online. I will do tomorrow though because I wanna talk to peeps including yourself. :)

    Speak soon as I am off to bed :P x

  9. Yeah I am your drink buddy! LOL

    and it is Chessington & Zoo!!!

  10. Yeah I have been good too :)

    Have a good Christmas?

    Should be cool if we meet again in 2010?

    Glad you are well btw :) xx

  11. Yeah I know you have just said that :P

    I am quick on the old keyboard eh! lol x

  12. Yeah I messaged AKid on Mania Hub but never replied lol

    Were you with him on the day then? lol

  13. Yeah I think I had to wait 60 mins and was chatting to the guy on the gate. Cant remember him now but meh! LOL!

    I am usually the first on Vampire anyways as I am at the gate for 9:30am usually.

    But I wanted to as I was desprite to ride after closed season. Was so hyper going up lift 1 and 26 rides! 1st Nov when empty!

    14 in a row from 7pm until 8pm!


  14. Yeah I will go on Detonator with you my dear :)

    Put your arms in the air on Detonator?! - I hold on for dear life! :P

    Be nice to meet the usual groups again! ^_^ xx

  15. Yeah it just said

    "(I almost posted this on my wall like a right spaz)."

    It wern't important much, so didn't bother to re-write but now you know! :P

    I will get better a I aint letting a cold stop me from stuff I have to do! :P

    Speak to you on MSN later Mikey :) x

  16. Yeah was okay cheers!

    How was yours?

    Btw, Your dp ran away cause I am ugly! xD

  17. Yeah well I cant allow you to go on your own; however busy I am :P

    I think I might be like a Chinese tourist with their camera and be like "ooooohhhh Bubbleworks boats"

    "oooohhhhh I just jizzed over Vampire lift 1!"

    Omg you know I said my dad went past there for work. He stopped in Monkey Puzzle & took a pic of Vampire!

  18. Yeah, I am good thanks! :)

    x x x x x

  19. Yes it was not too bad and I would definately go on again.


  20. You are hungry eh. Well this can be taken in the normal way, the "lamb" way :P and a sexual way. hmmmmm my mind is spinning ;)

    If you are hungry then choose anything and I will go get it for you ;)

    My dad is taking the pi*s as he has work given to him by CWoA & Zoo tomorrow and I am at college!!! :@

    When are you going as I might tag along if I am free and ...

  21. You are in a relationship?!


    I am so trying to get on MSN tonight to talk to you! ^_^

    Hopefully speak to you tonight! :) xxx

  22. You can have a lie in next week then!

    And I see! I did not relise it was like the London Dungeons.

    Regarding the live actors - No matter how much I try to keep cool around them, I just crack down and vertually scream and hide behind someone! :L

    I hope you have a good time my lovely!

    Think of me when I am going AS stuff :( x

  23. You enjoyed that did you!

    Someone is sexually fustrated!

    We need the "3" so we can change that for you ;)

    CHOO CHOO! :P xxx

  24. You forgot Safari Skyway!

    I only remember that as that was the ride I saw you on, I think :P

    Like the high count on Rumba Rapids too! Such an epic ride theme! :L

  25. You just posted that on your own wall! speical ;)

    You did hit a nerve lol! Area 1 FTW!

    And a few are gorgeous and will continue this on msn lol ;)

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