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    Ryan got a reaction from mbizzle in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    First one could be Nemesis? As in the monster being locked down by the track?
  2. Like
    Ryan reacted to thorpeparkjack in Jobs At Chessington   
    Cheers! It went fine, hopefully hear back within the next week or so.
  3. Like
    Ryan reacted to Ellie in Youtube Videos   
    Hey guys,So I just found this video...

    It's interesting timing for me to find this as a week ago my friend told me that she was told she may have skin cancer on the sole of her foot. She had a hospital appointment to get the results of her tests on friday. When I asked her the results she said she'd tell me some other time. Whether she has it or not, it shows that cancer really can and will touch all of our lives.Please pass this video on and let other people know.
  4. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from Will in Lady GaGa   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S08KonZiew4&feature=youtu.beI really like it!
  5. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from JamesB in Lady GaGa   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S08KonZiew4&feature=youtu.beI really like it!
  6. Like
    Ryan reacted to holtjammy16 in Lady GaGa   
    Love it http://gagaglobal.org/theedgeofglory/
  7. Like
    Ryan reacted to Ellie in Rant   
    You don't get thanked for everything you do in life. You should do things for the gesture, not the thanks.
  8. Like
    Ryan reacted to AdamY in Rant   
    Holly, out of genuine interest, why do you feel you deserve thanks? Seems to me you did it to benefit yourself mostly, so that you wouldn't have to suffer the terrible plight of seeing people talk about her. But then you say the 'main person', but why would they thank you? From our point of view, you've just shoved us into another thread when technically we've done nothing wrong... I don't really get why you think that would be cause for thanks? And you said yourself "discussion over", so now that you've got what you wanted can't you just be happy?
  9. Like
    Ryan reacted to AdamY in Feedback of the Site   
    Could I please have a moan about the quality of the main site updates? A few days back this was posted:
    As a member who always ensures that my posts make grammatical sense and are spell checked - as the team always encourages of new members - I would appreciate it if the same rules be afforded to updates on the site. This article contains many spelling mistakes, missed words and grammatical errors. Not only is it annoying to read, but when it is plastered across the front page it makes the site look bad to new visitors.So please, when writing updates for TPM, I'd appreciate if Team members would practice the rules they preach on the forum.Ps, I don't want to sound ungrateful for the updates, it's great people go to the trouble for us. But a bit more effort would make them even better
  10. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from Jord in Rant   
    You'd like to though :PMy take on this whole thing...Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, neither Will or Jord are wrong here, because it's just..opinion. Of course opinions are going to differ blah blah but what is the point in arguing about it and trying to make it seem as if your opinion is fact? We have a Lady Gaga topic now where all talk about her can go there and if you don't like her, simply don't enter the topic
  11. Like
    Ryan reacted to Zappomatic in Thorpe Park Radio   
    This is from ReRide.net which I still have backed-up and eventually will get around to updating and uploading again!
  12. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from alexander in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Isle of St Christopher...http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2011/wk06/RU11-0101.DCONEPLAN.005.pdfZoom in on the sideways view of the bridge, go to the right hand side by the tree, zoom in on the sign, tilt your screen back..Thanks to Ricky
  13. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from Whiteknuckle in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Isle of St Christopher...http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2011/wk06/RU11-0101.DCONEPLAN.005.pdfZoom in on the sideways view of the bridge, go to the right hand side by the tree, zoom in on the sign, tilt your screen back..Thanks to Ricky
  14. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from Coaster XTREME in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Isle of St Christopher...http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2011/wk06/RU11-0101.DCONEPLAN.005.pdfZoom in on the sideways view of the bridge, go to the right hand side by the tree, zoom in on the sign, tilt your screen back..Thanks to Ricky
  15. Like
    Ryan reacted to Nicky in Florida   
    Day 3 - 9th AprilThanks to Virgin this involved a rather early wake up. We got an invitation to...ERT at Harry Potter!! So a taxi was taken at quarter past six in the morning...no shuttle buses at that time in the morning. It also meant we got to Universal before the sun had even come up.So it was just us and a bunch of other jet lagged British. We had our fingerprint taken again to get our Orlando Flexiticket plus. I seriously got sick of having my fingerprint used every time we entered a park, used a locker (Universal) and then we had all of them taken at immigration.We were all standing and waiting around to be taken down to Harry Potter when another group turned up. Hello ACE!They got ERT on Hulk...We got something a lot better but first we had to wander through a deserted Seuss Landing. It was very...bright, definitely practice for Nickelodeon LandBut finally we got to what we were waiting for. I was like a child in a sweet shop. I was just amazed. It was good to be able to walk around without getting mowed down by strollers and tourists. First up was breakfast in the Three Broomsticks. Went slightly mad and also they had bottles of water so me and my Dad acquired 4 bottles for the rest of the day.It's the third day and it is about time that my dad appears...with a very flattering photo of himIt was so close but it wasn't open yetOnce we had eaten breakfast and acquired a lot of water it was off back onto the main street. I was shocked that you couldn't even go to the toilet without having Moaning Myrtle talking to you. It was just the attention to detail in the whole thing. This carried on with the castle itself. We noticed a rush of people come past us and realised that they had let the hotel guests in. So we joined the stream and got to the top of Hogsmeade and saw the castle from the proper angle. Woah!! (photo from later on in the day)The ride wasn't exactly open yet but they were letting people into the queue. Having negotiated the locker system and discovering that our bag fit into the locker with about a mm to spare, we started moving through the queue. We laughed at how long it was and the fact we were walking straight through it. Stupid thing to do because we experienced it later on in the day.Me and dark rides don't go together that well so the first time round it was with my eyes shut. Literally as soon as the scary stuff kept happening all the way to the end. Really had to work on that for the rest of the day/holiday. When we got off, we decided to use the poorly (I.e. no existent really) signed single rider queue. Walked straight past everyone to the front of the queue. The only downside is you miss out on a good part of the castle by using the queue. Once me and dad had reunited and reclaimed our bag, we did the shameful ride of the day. It was a squeeze but me and my Dad just fit into Flight of the Hippogryff together so it was a quick ride round on that. Time for random photos just to break up the text since I kinda got a bit neglectful with taking photos. My excuse? I was walking around with my jaw on the floor...oh and spending money.Next it was the one thing that is bad when there are no queues, you spend a lot of time walking through empty queue lines. It is the only time that you just wish for cattle pens that could be cut off. Especially when you have to do the queue twice so that you get both sides of Dragon's challenge. After spending too much money in Dervish and Bangs and tackling the challenge of writing a postcard when you have to stick three huge stamps on it and leave the Hogsmeade post mark visible, it was getting really busy so we decided to head out into the other areas of the park. Hulk was first, it only said a five minute queue so we joined it. 40 minutes later and after a lot of spiraling we made it to the top. As much as I should like Hulk, I found it horrible. That inversion at the top of the tunnel just made me shudder. We really should have gone on it again but the queue was just too long. It was a Saturday.We started heading over for Popeye but first stopped at Dr Doom. There was A/C, so much A/C I started shivering at one point. Also we discovered the delights of having different rooms but each with a cattle pen so you finally get out of one room and you see another cattle pen. Shot towers always scare me but there was just something a bit meh about it. The theme was odd, having only known Dr Doom from the Fantastic Four movies, so it took a while of getting used to.Now...I had heard stories about Popeye but you never quite imagine how wet you actually get. I was expecting Valhalla on a bad day. I might as well have just got into the shower in my clothes it was that bad. I was spited by the lift hill stopping with me right under one of the water jets. It was horrible the first time you got wet but after that it was amusing because you couldn't get any wet. The law of karma appeared a few times, and people got their just desserts for laughing at others. It was also the shortest queue of the day which was really appreciated.The best thing to do was to go for Dudley Do Right's. Just a shame it was a 70 minute queue so I dripped my way through it. I only stopped just as I got onto the ride. They fully load it which is never a good idea for keeping dry. insert photo here just waiting for FB to like meI was now soaking again so another trip on Popeye's was due. This time it was really evil to one person who got everything thrown at her. I'm not saying that I didn't get wet again but it just get hurtling at her. A/C became the bane of my life again while getting lunch. I was just so cold in there. I ordered a slaw dog and discovered two things. Coleslaw is a bit funky in the US and cheese sauce is just odd. My Dad was happy that he could get a simple sandwich.While we ate our lunch outside I saw this and couldn't resist (you can also kinda tell how wet I was)Drinks were the only thing we went large on. It was just nice to have something really cold rather than slightly lukewarm which is what we got from anything in our rucksack.We seemed to get stuck at that side of the park for a while and doubled back on ourselves to go on Spiderman, another ride where I spent a good portion of it with my eyes shut but I was getting better at keeping them open. We decided to complete the circle and go back through to Jurassic park. We joined the queue for the river adventure while I looked up at Pternadon flyers and was sad because I couldn't go on it. The queue for river was meant to be an hour but they weirdly opened the express line and put people from the normal queue into it. Didn't ask questions, just did as we were told. Now I would have enjoyed this better if a girl hadn't been hysterical next to me. She seemed to think she was going to die or something so decided that I didn't need my ear drum any more.After doing everything we wanted to do, we made our way back to a rather busy Wizarding World. We joined the queue for Forbidden Journey and got to experience the fun of going all the way through the queue. The one thing that is its saving grace is that because the ride never stops the queue never stops. I say this, it only stops when someone decides to take a photo and can't quite work out how to get a good picture with their camera. The misters they use in the queue are immense. They just really force the water at you which is a nice when the sun is up and you aren't under the cover of the greenhouses.We came out eventually, having had my eyes open all the way round, to see the Triwizard show just starting. I know people struggle to catch it because it doesn't have any set times. So I finally got my camera out and took loads of photos.She really enjoyed her jobDurmstrangBeauxbatonsOnce they had finished parading around, I grabbed a frozen butterbeer (with a souvenir mug aka spent more money) and me and my Dad headed back out of the park to grab the shuttle back to our hotel.*is worn out*
  16. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from mbizzle in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    I think Benin's hit the nail on the head here
  17. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from mbizzle in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Isle of St Christopher...http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2011/wk06/RU11-0101.DCONEPLAN.005.pdfZoom in on the sideways view of the bridge, go to the right hand side by the tree, zoom in on the sign, tilt your screen back..Thanks to Ricky
  18. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from Luke_A in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Isle of St Christopher...http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2011/wk06/RU11-0101.DCONEPLAN.005.pdfZoom in on the sideways view of the bridge, go to the right hand side by the tree, zoom in on the sign, tilt your screen back..Thanks to Ricky
  19. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from JoshC. in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Isle of St Christopher...http://ww2.runnymede.gov.uk/home/latest/wklyplanapps/2011/wk06/RU11-0101.DCONEPLAN.005.pdfZoom in on the sideways view of the bridge, go to the right hand side by the tree, zoom in on the sign, tilt your screen back..Thanks to Ricky
  20. Like
    Ryan reacted to Dan in Rant   
    I'm relatively new to this forum and feel generally welcome to the community . Everyone is really down to earth and all have there mixed oppinions in here which is really useful . I've had a few abrupt post but proberly because I've caused them in my early days , but the longer your on here the more feelings of exceptablity you get I feel . I've seen a couple of new members loose intrest in the Site because of some comments . I feel there's no need for abusive or general bad comments on here , people have Seen me post this in chat a few times we should all be a happy family and act like respectable adults . I know I've had a bad habit of posting chat in topics and really sorry I wish I could step back and remove to remove my sins . I'm still loving every day of this forum and the people are really helpful and have really nice personallity .and hoping to stay on here for many years to come .
  21. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    According to the actor, the LC stands for Les Cougen (not sure how to spell surname). Anyone know who he is?1st August, the aliens will fall from the sky
  22. Like
    Ryan reacted to Benin in Video Games.   
  23. Like
    Ryan reacted to Laelda_95 in Random   
    I saw Whitney from Eastenders at Thorpe today!!!
  24. Like
    Ryan got a reaction from Tom in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    According to the actor, the LC stands for Les Cougen (not sure how to spell surname). Anyone know who he is?1st August, the aliens will fall from the sky
  25. Like
    Ryan reacted to Tom in SAW: The Ride   
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