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Posts posted by stealth888

  1. Haha! :) My friend had a similar experience to the one you just desribed, but about halfway through saw I think he blacked out and he came to just as we were going back into the station. The only thing he could remember was queueing up and I think its quite sad that he forgot the whole ride!

  2. Trip Report 2/09/09Wow, what can I say?Even though Sun Scream's over, I do believe Thorpe have done it again this time round.This time I went with my dad, my brother and my friend luka.We left at 9:00, hoping to get there at 9:30, nice and early for a 10:00 opening.We arrived to find that it had already opened, and found out it opened at 9:30.Oh well, Colossus was still a walk-on even though Saw was shut, (although advertised as a 5-min queue), never mind.We got off Colossus to find Saw had opened. Nice 15-min queue, it moved incredibly fast, I swear they're managing the queues differently now.We went over to Nemesis to recieve the fastest ride on it that I had ever had. (it felt like it anyway)Stealth was shut so we had our lunch on Rumba Rapids to make up the time we would of had waiting(yes, we had our lunch at 10:30, but it was cool having it on the Rapids nevertheless)We went back to Stealth and ate the rest of our lunch next to the Diner, when we heard over the PA: Stealth is now back in operation, blah blah blah, so me and my dad dropped our cheese rolls and ran to the queue. it had really built up by the time we got to the front row, the view of the queueline you get on the front row is amazing! :( The queues had built up by this point, Colossus being a prime example of 70 mins, (20 mins more than Saw ironically)So we went on the Banana Boat for a laugh, having the most fun on it in ages!We got some donuts (can't get enough of them!), and ate them next to Nemesis on the rocks in the pouring rain which lasted for about 5 mins.Loggers was advertised as 20 mins but it turned out to be 5 mins as dispatches were running incredibly fast. I actually noticed the bear behind the trees (before you get to the main lift), which I hadn't before so I'm proud of myself :( Then came Slammer. It slammed real good! (please, PLEASE do not read that the wrong way)After a visit to the W.C. we all went on Rush. It was advertised as 30 mins but we got on in 5! (been really lucky this day)We couldn't be bothered to do anything other than Saw but as we couldn't be bothered to wait 45 mins, we got fastrack instead. This ride gave my dad a blinding headache, so he waited outside X while we did Samurai-which turned out to be THE BEST ride I have had on it. Maybe it was the fast 20 min queue, or the can of Relentless I had after Saw, but it was amazing.It was now 4pm and my dad wanted to hit the road, so we had one last ride on Flying Fish, where Luka told me a really funny joke and I was just laughing the whole way through, I couldn't stop!Great end to a great day :( RC:Saw x2Colossus x1Nemesis x1Rapids x1Stealth "Banana Boat x1Donuts x5 :( Loggers x1Slammer "Rush "Samurai "Flying Fish "Unfortunately cannot get pictures at this time, sorry

  3. For me a trip to Thorpe on a Sunday is quite reasonable.I get paid £30 a week for my paper round, so I spit on the money I spend to get there (obv not literally! :P )It costs £4.90 for a return train ticket from Farnborough to Staines, and then the £3 return shuttle bus to the park.So £7.90 altogether, and roughly £22 to spend at the park! Go me! :P

  4. TP 10/08/09 ReportVery good day, went with two of my friends and my brother and it turned out to be really good!When we got there we went to Saw only to be met by two members of staff who said it wasn't open. Grief stricken :P , we went to Colossus, which was a walk-on, thank god.The queues in the first hour and a half stayed pretty much under half an hour, then by midday they were something like this:Saw-80 minsColossus-90 minsSamurai-50 minsNemesis-55 minsLoggers-75 mins(I think those are correct, otherwise my memory has failed me)And for some bizzare reason, at about 11am Tidal Wave had a queue of 75 mins, when it looked about 15. Either that, or the operators had got it wrong :P I have found a new love: Warm Donuts! oh my god I tried them when my friend bought them and I dont really have to explain what happened next. Lets just say I had about 5 leftover by the time we left the park. :D RC:ColossusNemesis x2Samurai x4Loggers LeapSlammer x2VortexStealth x2SawZodiacRush x3Canada Creek Railway (lol)DetonatorFlying Fish^^not in order btw^^Thats about it, we saw part of the quiz thing in the dome when we went to go get our Saw fastracks, but not much of it. And we saw some of the fungineers near Stealth, quite funny but a bit random :D Great day :P 10/10Also, adding to the lights conversation above, we saw the lights on Samurai in front of us when we were on it, and it looked pretty good but not that convinient for the time of day. Do you know if they have an automatic timer on them or something like that? Because we saw some of the outside lights turn on as well at about 6:30.

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