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Posts posted by Bubbles1

  1. I think Bubbles 1 was possibly referring to the comment made in the post before by Benin about the Huracan ride in Belgium being the best themed ride of 2013. But still agree Bubbles1 should wait until construction has finished.

    Sorry for any confusion, I actually did mean the pillars, at first it didn't really work for me. It seemed a little too monolithic for me, but looking at the pictures posted afterwards I withdraw it. Seeing the track through both pieces makes it a lot more exciting

  2. I'm quite lucky in that it is always open for me, and has a short queue. I like it, but I can definitely see why others wouldn't. But with how expensive it is, I really wonder why the park bothers...

  3. also, the RF-ID card system doesn't work, because my car changed between the design area and actually getting on the ride, and then in the post show it decided I was Korean, which made following the instructions for everything very interesting. at least the signs telling me how to buy a Chevrolet were in English!

    I would say that it looks like they spent a lot of money on certain sections, and not a lot on others. for example, the turns going up the hill still has the road-style barriers on either side, but it now has white lights on it. In many ways it is both better and worse than test track 1, but that was my opinion.

  4. The bit that gets me sad is the fact that they say you'll be "screaming with laughter". I went to York dungeon earlier this year, and that was something special, because it was actually scary. I just wish they had a go at this in London, because it was so effective.

  5. Maybe we have as a country a napoleon complex when it comes to innovation? So we have to convince ourselves that what we do is incredible.

    What's next, worlds first in theme park toilets that flush using automatic sensors yet also act as neat seats when you want to avoid being around someone? I'm sure that would sell well!

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