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Posts posted by Altitude

  1. On Tuesday this week, Swarm was on one train with a 25 minute queue. They had hardly any staff on the ride either, so little that they couldn't open the baggage booth! We had to leave our belongings on display in the station next to the gates, which I really didn't feel comfortable with as you can reach over the gates easily. 

  2. Hmmm not sure if I'm honest.


    I know it's not open yet and I haven't experienced it so I shouldn't judge, but it looks so... Merlin? Half of it looks like the I'm a Celebrity maze, complete with low ceilings which pretty much destroy the illusion of being in a forest/jungle. The other half it just the tavern scene from the old London Dungeons but with a still model behind the counter that doesn't move?


    The video (and the name of the attraction) feels like they're trying to recreate the WB Studio Tour in Watford but without all the effort. I know they have to make all the theming on this from scratch (I assume), but I just have a feeling it's going to look unfinished and not immersive in the slightest.

  3. Ok so I went onto this I'm a Celeb today...


    We got there at 10:50, and she said it'll open in 10 minutes, and we were the first ones there. Then she said there's another 15 minute delay, that was alright. Then she said there was another delay which she wasn't allowed to explain to us, and we ended up waiting for about 40 minutes. I know we could have left the queue, but I wanted to try it.


    Anyway the "maze" was pretty atrocious really. Felt rushed, the actors were friendly but most seemed uninterested. It didn't feel immersive either for me. You could see the real ceiling above the theming as there was light spilling everywhere! The rocks on the glory hole part were nice, but again there were parts when you could see just plain black walls next to them. The scene with the question tanks was lame too. There was literally one question, I got sprayed with air, and then told to get out.


    Worth doing if there's no wait but don't waste 45 minutes of a 7 hour opening.

  4. Ian I think we need to throw a coin in your eye for you to understand! If you lost your sight at a theme park for the rest of your life, you'd expect something about the park's safety procedures to change, wouldn't you?


    I think the metal detectors have something to do with guest safety in the queue lines too, not just when you eventually sit on the ride! Yes it's a pain not having your phone in the queue but I can see why they're doing it. Hopefully this means Dragon Challenge will duel once more!

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