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  1. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Graeme in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    If we didn't get spoilers on this site we would guess them elsewhere.
    It's ONLY a ride after all, hardly matters of national security!
  2. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Coaster in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I'm not sure why people are complaining about spoilers in a spoiler topic, ridiculous really.
  3. Like
    Ian-S reacted to StevenVig in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    This is a forum about rides, run by people who are interested the industry, ride systems and operations. 
    It is a given that people will discuss how it works, anything less cannot be expected. You of all people should fully understand this.
  4. Like
    Ian-S reacted to StevenVig in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    The topic is clearly marked in blocked capitals stating that there are spoilers in here, it is ultimately your decision and your decision only if you wish to read said topic. 
    I refer you to the other topic on DBGT should you not wish to read spoilers, though I know you have already ridden it. 
  5. Like
    Ian-S reacted to pluk in The News   
    The head of the liberal group in the parliament, former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt:
    This. This is why people voted out. Not because they are racist halfwits somehow brainwashed by Boris and Nigel, but because they have made an informed choice with a basic understanding of how the European Union operates, and they don't like it. 
    There are of course racist halfwits on both sides of the argument, but the remainers insistence that they actually know better and are right, rather than understanding the reality that they merely have a different opinion and there is no right answer. The fact that a few million remainers thought it was a good idea to sign a petition to change the rules of the referendum after the event shows that in reality they may not be the most intelligent side after all.
  6. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from JoshuaA in Bolliger and Mabillard   
    Looks like Chessington brown, perhaps Zufari is getting an upgrade
  7. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from Alex_D in The 2016 Thread   
    What would your answer be?
    "Well next time don't unbuckle then at the top of the lift hill."
  8. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Celia Mae in Ride Accidents   
    @Ian-S, I know the ones on Smiler are done every closed season (or this was the case before the crash, it may have been raised since then) and I would assume the other coasters are the same
  9. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Ryan in The News   
    That's the problem for me, we have no leaders and no plan, the whole thing is a shambles (that word's been used correctly for the first time on this forum).
  10. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Mark9 in The News   
    I don't blame her for wanting independence for her country, after all its what we've just done. I've been watching this story all day and one thing is pretty clear. The arguments need to stop, its done. Our parties need to unite and get us through this. They need to send a clear message of intent of where we're going. At this point, ProjectLC seems to have given more information on what an independent UK is more then our actual government.
    More importantly though, a clear message needs to be send out to people that this xenophobic element which people are reporting up and down the country is not to be tolerated. We voted to leave the EU, not to send people home or impose a fear in people for their nationalities. That is not what we voted for and our leaders need to make that clear.
  11. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Matt 236 in Jokes   
    What do oblivion and the U.K. Stock market both have in common today? 
    they both have a vertical drop
  12. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Morgan.B in Jokes   
    Q: Why did the baker have brown hands?
    A: Because he kneaded a poo
  13. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from Project LC in The News   
    There's no oil left in Scotland, the fields are all but depleted. If Scotland think they can survive on fish and whiskey exports they're in for a rude awakening, I'm not in charge but if I were and they voted to go I'd say fine, but don't expect us to fix your bridge or keep paying for your free prescriptions, good luck fending for yourselves, and when Nicola is charging you 50% basic rate tax, don't come to us for handouts.
  14. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Mysterio Ka in The News   
    I don't get why people are suddenly so ashamed to be British; why apparently the British public can't be trusted, and how everyone who voted leave is racist.
    First of all, these people need to pipe the hell down. In the spur of the moment, I voted remain, despite thinking I'd probably vote leave, however I can see many advantages that can now come, which we couldn't have whilst remaining in the EU. 

    In the next 2 years we will regain control over rules and regulations, trade links, and laws and rights, that the EU had us install.

    Second of all, people need to understand what optimism is. A lot of those who voted remain are going nuts over this, however a majority of people voted leave, and it's the most participants we've had in a vote since Thatcher. 

    Our country is very much not in as much trouble as some make it out to be. People have read far, far to into all the issues of the unkown that could arise if we (as we have) leave the EU. This 2 year period is supposed to ease us into independence, and if any big obstacles pop up, they will be dealt with, with the support of our ally nations. 

    'I'm not looking forward to crippling debt'  'look how weak the pound is now haha we're ******' 'everyone who voted leave is racist'

    These annoy me. All taken from my facebook feed.
    Of course, with any skepticism or risk, dips in economics take place. Every time a new leader is appointed, or major rule changes are intorduced the economic statuses of countries dip, however they do rise. The FTSE100 proves that we're not going into recession already, which is quite good considering the unkown of the situation. 

    As well as this, now with all the new independence we have, trade links with our previous empire will be reconstructed, and there are already talks of setting up an English speaking open border zone with Canada and Australia. This would be fantastic, and unlike the EU, this is a very small group with extremely similar cultures and economic & politic structures. We have more chance then ever to prosper.

    The EU has become something it wasn't originally intended to be. To begin with it was supposed to essentially be a pact between a few, extremely strong countries to hold up each other if they start to crumble. Now it's a kinda 'jump on board, we got ya!' situation with the likes of France and Germany, as well as other European rich countries supporting all the others who needed help, and with more and more states joining, this system is putting more and more pressure upon these power houses.

    Finally, I for one have no problem whatsoever with whatever people voted. I'd like to think I am not as immature to openly call my friends pillocks simply because they don't share my political views. The vote was there so the people can decide what would happen to our country, and whilst there will be a minority who are racially guided, I know plenty of voter - outers who are not racist at all. They did it so that smaller businesses can now have more support, and less of a daunting shadow from the EU supported big businesses, the fact that our borders are too open, along with the points I have raised above. I for one entirely agree with an open border concept, and the fact that the leave side of things were pushing to close schemes like this is what made me sway.

    That's all I have to say really. There's too much negativity and ****storms everywhere at the moment, people have to deal with what is happening and understand it's not entirely terrible, and be optimistic for the future.
  15. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Project LC in The News   
    I would like to point out the value of the pound is not a measure of the economy. They rise and fall and while yes it has fallen a lot it is now rising again. Exports are far more favourable with a weaker pound. 
    The ftse 100 was predicted to be down 9.8% however currently it's only down 2.2%. The markets don't like risk which is why they are all over the place. Once a plan is set out then stability will be brought to the markets. 
    Brexit was always going to be damaging short term, however it allows great growth in the long term as we are no longer letting the slow EU set up poor trade deals for us.
  16. Like
    Ian-S reacted to MarkC in The News   
  17. Like
    Ian-S reacted to pluk in Nemesis Inferno   
    They have worked in recent times, but for a good while they were worlds most expensive birds nests. I expect them to be rigged up with springwatch cameras next year.
  18. Like
    Ian-S reacted to ThemeParkCrafter in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    I reddit online with a full review/ spoilers about dbgt
  19. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Project LC in Rant   
    Really worried I was going into the polling station on Thursday not knowing how David Beckham was going to vote. 
    The media and the UK population are a joke if we seriously considered how a footballer is going to vote is actual news. 2 days to go and the best article the BBC has to offer is David Beckham is voting remain. If that influences anyone's decision they probably shouldn't be voting. He has the political expertise of hamster and spent most of his life kicking a ball up and down a field.
    People's opinions should not be influenced by celebrities where most are evidently out of touch with society as they have everything done for them and they have crazy amounts of money.
  20. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from Matt A in The 2016 Thread   
    What would your answer be?
    "Well next time don't unbuckle then at the top of the lift hill."
  21. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from StevenVig in The 2016 Thread   
    What would your answer be?
    "Well next time don't unbuckle then at the top of the lift hill."
  22. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from Matt A in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    Of course nobody has the right to enter the property like they do a public park, but what you're saying 'hey you should be honoured to pay £50 to enter and think yourself lucky there's any rides open at all" which a really ****ty attitude to have towards your customers, it would be like opening a nightclub and charging £20 a head to enter then when people complain there is no music simply shrung your shoulders and saying "DJ broke the decks, tough titties you paid to enter the building, I'm not obliged to provide you music, you should just be honoured I let you in".
  23. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from Matt A in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    They have been past, Flying Fish and a couple of others open when friends stayed there.

    Its a privilege when you're invited by management to enter for free as their guest, it's not a privilege when you have to pay £50 to enter, then it becomes a right, you know, that pesky old "exchange of money for goods or services" principle our economy is based on.
  24. Like
    Ian-S got a reaction from JoshuaA in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    They have been past, Flying Fish and a couple of others open when friends stayed there.

    Its a privilege when you're invited by management to enter for free as their guest, it's not a privilege when you have to pay £50 to enter, then it becomes a right, you know, that pesky old "exchange of money for goods or services" principle our economy is based on.
  25. Like
    Ian-S reacted to Coaster in Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon   
    No, absolutely not.
    Also, 'insider' do you actually read anyone's posts? Because I'm struggling to find anywhere I have said that I "deserve" to go on it before it's open, nor that I "expected" it to be open. I'm not repeating myself as it has been said several times but you seem to have missed that.
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