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Posts posted by TPSou

  1. I'm talking about digging a pit for it.

    Ah yeah but that doesn't always help that much! Not sure they can where SW8 is either, there's a lot of water there.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  2. But they did literally the exact same thing with the Smiler

    I don't think so, Nemesis is a world class ride from beginning to end, I think Smiler suffers from the lack of a proper drop, never really builds up any speed and only really has an exciting airtime Hill and not much else going for it. To me Smiler is an example of how the restrictions can really hurt them, same with Thirteen and Rita.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


    The 'Alton is fighting against lots of restrictions' argument fails when they've managed to build the likes of Nemesis under the same restrictions. 

    Not if we're comparing it to other coasters. People hoping for something fast and loud might be disappointed. Maybe they'll be able to be as clever as they were with Nemmy, but they haven't been since that was built.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  4. Tomahawk at PortAventura is a nice family woodie (since they reprofiled the track and replaced the trains) - I think this could still be a fun ride, even if it won't be world class. Bear in mind Alton are fighting against a lot of restrictions other parks don't have to do with height and noise, they couldn't build something like Wodan.

  5. 5 hours ago, Project LC said:

    It's more to do with the force required to keep the train on the track. The top wheel axels would have to take possibly more than 4 times the trains weight in tension where as inside the loop its on the normal wheels in compression. Also it would be uncomfortable to be forced into the restraint.


    But surely it's exactly the same force to keep it on the track as an inverted, and plenty of those have loops?

  6. Doing Florida in a few weeks, but here's my list so far (only been to theme parks in Europe so far)


    1. Helix - Liseberg

    2. Shambhala - Port Aventura

    3. Wodan - Europa Park

    4. Taron - Phantasialand

    5. Blue Fire - Europa Park

    6. Furious Baco - Port Aventura

    7. Silver Star - Europa Park

    8. Stealth - Thorpe Park

    9. Black Mamba - Phantasialand

    10. Lisebergbanan - Liseberg


    A year ago Nemesis would have been up there somewhere but when we went on it this year it just didn't seem exciting at all. Maybe I've been on it too many times, maybe it's just because of how short it is, but I'd much rather re-ride any of those than Nemesis. I think Furious Baco is probably my only weird choice, but it's just an insane coaster. The station is great, the trains are great, and yes it's too rough to ride more than two or three times a day, but those two or three times are so much fun. And that sweep over the lake!

  7. The Vive is tracking you in 3D space so to make the perspective work it has to render it in real time. When you move forward and backwards or side to side, it all works out how to present the world to you, just like it does when you move your character in a video game. If you understand why a video game can't just be a video then you should understand the principle.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  8. I'm definitely in the camp of 'I was expecting much more'. I agree Valhalla and Hex are better, although Hob's pit is pushing it!

    It's an ok ride, and I'd go on it again but I don't think it was worth the money if it's as expensive as the rumours say. While the ride system seems quite clever (if it works how I think it does) it's still not really impressive and doesn't have the same wow factor as something like the new Pirates ride in Shanghai or even Ratatouille in Paris.

  9. As you go in to the train room you can't see the other end of the train, that's where the tunnel is where the inside bit of the train moves to the next section. I agree that it must be some kind of turntable with trains slotting in and out of it.


    So you start in the carriage, train moves through to the bit where you evacuate, while another train moves back into the carriage to let people out. You go through the walking bit while 'your' train actually moves around with you to the second platform, letting a new group into the evacuation bit. You then move back to the start position and slide back into the carriage to be let off. 


    Means in theory you could always have one group in the pre show, one group in the first bit, one group in evacuation, and one group in the second vr bit, all at once. That's 4 groups of 58 - or 232 people on the ride at once!

  10. There did seem to be a lot of problems at the weekend. When we were on it quite a few headsets didn't work and we had to wait much longer than normal at one point. The group before us had to evacuate then go again, then it closed just afterwards. It's definitely not smooth sailing so far.

    On the plus side a man in the queue showed me a photo he took a few weeks ago of Smiler hitting a bird, was quite spectacular!

  11. There are definitely different VR sections for the first part but the ones me and my wife had were almost identical, just with different actors. Same script and actions.


    I thought the VR was ok with the first bit, then rubbish for the second. We've used a Vive a few times for games (a friend has one so thankfully we didn't have to splash out £700!) and the graphics on this aren't up to the same quality. Some of the early bits use video, so it obviously looks much better, but when it switches to CGI it's really low res and bad models, no physics, reflections, transparencies or anything. I'm guessing the computers they're using to power them (because each headset will need a PC to account for the head-tracking) aren't very good, or they've limited it to make sure the framerate stays consistent (which it did). 


    It's definitely better looking than Galactica, but not by as much as it should be considering the difference in hardware.

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