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Everything posted by Nath

  1. Hey guys, how're you doing?My name is Nath. A lot of you will remember me from Southparks. R.I.PTook some time off since the closure of the site, but now back in full swing on here.I'm a fashion photographer and also work for the biggest technology company in the world. Check out my work here. www.nattenborough.co.uk
  2. Nath


    Right, I will give you my lowdown about my experience with Apple and Mac as a whole.Ok, so about a month ago I bought a new 24inch Imac, this is my first mac and I have to admit it did take a little time to get used to things.I think the feud between the mac and pc is ridiculous, they are two very different things, designed for different target markets too, so when there's this big ass arguments going on everywhere about people going 'OMGZ MAC SUCKS, LINUX/WINDOZ FOR DA WIN' it makes me want to punch people, and I’m not saying all windows users are like that, and I’m not saying that mac users don't dish the s**t out as well, they are both to blame for it.But what I’ve found out is, there are both pros and cons with both of the OS' and the companies.In my experience, I was a PC user for all of my life, well...since the good ol age of 8 and starting off with windows 1.3 or whatever it was. But due to my lifestyle and work (I'm a photographer) I decided to buy my first mac this year to aid me in my job. Now I'm not saying that macs are only arty farty computers, but they certainly have the best range of editing programs compared to it's former rival. My mac is great, I wouldn't so much say (in true macboy fashion) 'it's changed my life!11!!1!' but it's a pretty kick ass computer. With very simular specs compared to my pc, my mac boots up in under 30 seconds, and that's including the fact you can actually use it after that 30 seconds. Rather than compared to the pc, where it boots through bios screens, welcome screens, OS' loading screens, etc etc, to when you finally get you start bar up and your desktop loaded...but wait....I CAN'T DO A BLOODY THING! oh that's it, I'm waiting for all the s**t booting up in the background (and before any of you go, 'well sort out your start up programs, I have only the necessary progs that are required to start up the bloomin' machine!)While they both come with their pro’s and cons, I believe mac offer the best compatibility, without having to download and install drivers for simple plug and play accessories, such as a camera, or a printer, with mac, they just work. Also small things make my life easier, such as if I read a piece of text or see a picture on the internet, instead of right clicking, saving as, then finding a location, I can simply just click on anything on the web and drag and drop it to my desktop, along with other things like that mac is top trump in my eyes. There are downfalls however, such as not being able to rename a selection of items without using another program called automator, and also the obvious factor of game compatibility. Although saying that EA are now releasing every one of their games with the option of the windows and mac platforms. Saying that however, mac is the only computer that lets you install numerous OS’ without all the s**t, such as, I have windows on my mac, ONLY for games though as I refuse to now use the annoying OS.I’ve read plenty of bad things about mac, and I won’t lie, some of them are true. Sometimes mac are cheaply put together, the price tag on some of their computers is stupidly high, but it’s because of the aesthetics, and to be honest with you, would you like to sit at home or wherever using a fugly computer? I sure wouldn’t. When it comes down to it, it’s all about the user and what they prefer, instead of all of this mac/pc kicks pc/mac’s ass, because it’s all a load of crap.
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