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Posts posted by Sean

  1. Posted ImageRemember this?...
    Well, on Saturday the 26th of September 2009, The Ride-Guide are re-attempting the infamous challenge at Pleasure Island. This year will see the challenge go national with a host of other websites and forums invited to take part. How many times can you handle riding the Huss Frisbee, 'Pendulus' ride at Pleasure Island consecutively before you give up... or throw up!Places on this challenge may be limited and therefore a lottery style draw out may be used to pick candidates for the challenge...So, are you interested? If so, get your name down in this topic and let the preparations begin.Further details will be given in due course but if you have any questions then please just ask.Oh, and by the way... before you start thinking how easy this challenge could be, the ride operators may be running the ride on 'intense'!
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