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Posts posted by TP.Dude

  1. Well, Intamin have been running back and forth all day and we ran a few tests this evening, and all seems to be going ok, they have asked us to staff the ride for tomorrow, so we have our operator and attendants for Stealth coming in tomorrow, which means that it should be open, although they need to do a few more tests tomorrow morning before they can be certain.

  2. High speed rides such as Stealth, Nemesis and sometimes Colossus will shut down for adverse weather. Most of the rides are usually able to operate in rain, but Stealth will certainly shut down pretty much as soon as any rain starts

    This is not the case. The shutting of rides in the park only happens at request of the Attractions Team. They usually stay open unless the operator feels that it is not in the rides best interest and asks for a manager to close the ride. It is entirely down to the operator and manager to close the ride and does not come down to it being purely because of rain. Stealth remains open in all weather conditions apart from heavy rain and hail.
  3. The restraints were replaced for this year.Just to let you guys know. Stealth is looking to be out of action this weekend, there is a leak in the major nitrogen and oil injectors. They are going to be doing there best to get it open, but it doesn't look hopeful. This week has also broken the record for the amount of roll backs during one week, peeking at 14. The ride will more than likely be closed on Monday as "Intamin" the rides manufacturer will be on-site trying to resolve all the issues. There is also a problem with the catch car. It doesn't always return. So... Just keeping you up to date, I will let you know more as it becomes available.

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