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Posts posted by uk30

  1. Was on the island 1st June poor old Colossus area looks very sad they could of painted round the bottom of the 1st loop or put some planter box’s around area I understand they had to fill in but just looks sad ? 

  2. The grass areas were nightmare today all the benches were full so stood at the back were buggy park is the path was full so stood on the grass my shoes were sinking into it was covered in mud was very slippery also and can see someone slipping 1 day so only watched half the show but it looked good tho

  3. I think this is a great move for Alton towers I know it will only run a few years as kids stuff come in and out of fashion like a click of your finger but look at peppa pig land it has record attendances in 2013 and made a fortune from it . If am right at one point in the summer holidays it was Advance tickets only

  4. I've got to say it is slow but they are clearly waiting till Fright Nights - to make it more of a story for The Swarm; post it on the web and hype it up. I can see it now: "100 people go missing from Fright Nights!", and they post the missing individuals on the "Missing Wall" from The Swarm Mini-Site.And another thing - how come Mania Hub updates are a lot slower then the other sites of late? They have pictures. We seem to be getting more updates from other sites than we do Mania Hub.

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