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Posts posted by ThorpeParkGuru

  1. Thorpe has a different type of ship, it's not Huss.Towers, nah. It's exactly the same as it's always been, apart from the height changes.Lego.. lego being lego makes it way more restrictive than it needs to be. My only thought is that it the same rules were implemented onto Buccaneer, due to sharing the same rides H&S manager as lego.

    I swear Thorpe doesn't have a ship?
  2. Nope... You're confusing that with the continent plans...The park plans to join up several areas together in order to create continents, so Translyvania would come under the Europe area with Market Square, Land of the Dragons and Pirates Cove...

    ah okay, thanks for explaining!
  3. 2 weeks.So, second day was better. I was with 'Indiana' for the whole day with Tomb Blaster and Rattlesnake - it was interesting to see behind the scenes of tomb while checking fire exits!All the staff I've met so far are all lovely!

    Two of the best days I had were with Team Indy! :) (I didn't really enjoy Tomb, my favourite was Rami by far :D(still jealous of you!) :')edit: Oh and yeah, the staff are so amazing and lovely :D Two weeks! You lucky bugger!
  4. My first day of Work Experience was... interestingHalf the day on Dragon Falls and the other half on Bubbleworks, met some friendly people, overall I thought it was good.

    I can't say how jealous of you I am right now! -_-I would do anything to be back on work experience -_-Ungh that reminds me. School tomorrow.Noob are you there for 1 or 2 weeks? I was there for 1.
  5. What would be the point though? Prof Burp's Bubbleworks has sung its song, and won't be returning and at this stage I would not want it to. The park needs something fresh and new- a complete set gutting and redesign.You can try but all they will say is that they spent a generous amount of money this season to bring back the lights in the finale scene along with other "improvements".

    would you like to tell me which lights have been brought back? I did not see any Strobes on on Wednesday! (H&S I guess)
  6. The arrows moving now.I think we should all email Merlin head office and say how great it would be if they could invest money into this ride and get all the original props and stuff either returned or recommissioned,I mean even if we don't make a difference, is there any reason not to? I mean it's the least we can do!Come on guys!Comments@merlinentertainments.biz

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