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  1. I visited Thorpe Park for the First time on Tuesday. Having had a bad experience at Drayton Manor on Pandemonium a couple of years ago I was very nervous about chest restrictions etc.I currently have a 48" chest and big thighs / legs thanks to a mixture of loads of swimming in my youth and loads of pinot grigio in my later years, but didn't need to worry at all!Saw the ride - Fine loads of room Saw Alive - Loads on nubile ladies hiding from the nasty pig masked men in my shadow! It was a positive advantage!Colossus - Bit of a tight fit but the staff were great. She said there was nothing to worry about as she hadn't even needed to push the restraints down. As such you'd be fine with a 48"+ chest by my reckoning.Nemesis - Fine, room without even using the "Big" seats.Tidal Wave - 100% fine!Stealth - FineSo if your going worrying about such things, please don't! The staff were great, use the test seats, and have a great time.To be honest my concerns meant the first part of the day was on a bit of a downer, when it didn't have to be.All the best - MarkPS - Having been a towers fan until now, I think Thorpe Park may have won my heart!
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