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Posts posted by Jimmy!

  1. Maybe the long term plan is to move the Lions/Tigers/Gorrillas to back there to free up the land held by Trail fo the Kings, am I right in thinking that the land currently occupied by them is on the green belt and thus far less lenient with the planning restricitons? Opening up possible expansions to Market Square and Transylvaniato form the Europe area?

  2. Just got back in from, what seemed to be a damp start but ended lovely. Unfortunately getting my lowest ride count ever at the park, Just 8, plus Noodle Noodle running out of sweet and sour chicken :'( but it was a fun day! Quite dissapointed about Black Forest Pass and Hocus Pocus Hall Bewitched to be honest. Mainly couldnt hear a word any of the 3 people said in the pass and HPH just seemed to be lacking something! No one else has seemed to have brought it up but at around 2.45-ish Hocus Pocus Hall was evacuated and the staf were stopping people walking infront of the main building. All the cast were outside as well as some important looking people! A friend who works there said that the main Control was evacuated at around this time so it may have something to do with this? Also when we then queued up at around 5 some police men where coming out the exit, very strange.But it was still a nice day :) So horray for that!

  3. Hey Guys!!!I probably should of done this yesterday, but oh well. My names James people call me Jimmy, Jimbob, anything really that starts with "Jim" or is considered witty.Live in portsmouth, am 17 and currently studying Maths, Drama and Computing at college hopefully going on to do Maths and Drama combined next year at Aberwystyth University ;)Drama is a huge love of mine, takes up a fair chunk of my life! I use exclamation marks too much! Way to much, but then I love to exclaim, what can I say?Thats me packed snuggly into a nut shell :)

  4. This was a burn wound that I applied using gelatine. Was also my first attempt so I was really proud! :D Gelatine is really cheap to buy though I would recommend adding a flavouring/ scent to it as the raw smell can be a bit much when on your face. It's really a bit disgusting and there isn't much flexibility, though I think it looks pretty neat. It could be adapted to help make it look more zombified! Scratch blood and colouring creams were also added to give the wound more depth.

    That is so cool! I usually use mortitians wax for zombies, sometimes called skin putty (amoung other things) which you can put on your face smoot it down and cut chunks out of it! Makes your face look like it has a massive gash taken out of it! Or scar liquid is good, it pulls all your skin to make it look like scars :D
  5. Why would they gut a ride of its themeing, when what it has now is working so well for so many people? The themeing itself, doesnt link/relate to Imperial Leather, unlike BL.

    I did say I doubt that this would happen.But if Chessie are going to start, as people have mentioned, themeing the park around the 5 continents. It might be the right time to create "Europe" with market square and transilvania. Using the space as "UK's first" type darkride. Yes with a small foot print. But a first type darkride none the less.
  6. But the same could of been said, to an extent, about Beano Land. Yes it's different a whole land dependant on the brand compared to a ride with with elements of one. But they put effort in there. But I agree that I too doubt anything major will happen but a guy can live in hope :D

  7. Proffesor Burp's was one of the best darkrides until it was brutely murded by ducks and bubbles :D As soon as the contract runs out I feel it should be completely gutted and started again. It's a shadow of its former self. It's lost all appeal, blatant advirtising doesn't belong in a theme park which is meant to take you away from the real world!

  8. It's the sad state of the world in which we live! I heard one girl come off it, if I translated successfully from the chavvy sprawl she was spewing, saying "oh, I did not realise it went backwards, how funny". Seems people like that tend to ride the first thing they see instead of checking what it may cause first :D

  9. It's odd how sick people get going backwards, you should see my mum on a train, and I suppose it's worse when you can't see where you're going. X:\ is always one of my favourite rides at Thorpe and it's such a shame how much it deteriates through out the season. It has so much potential but Thorpe always seem to do the bare minimum to keep it running.

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