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Posts posted by SkepticalBear

  1. It's hardly cold here at the moment. It rained for about an hour today, quite lightly, and there was the first Friday of the season where it rained - those are the only two 'bad weather' days I can recall. It's in the low to mid-teens weather wise, and I'm seeing people leisurely strolling about in shorts now. So yeah, no need to 'turn them off'.Also, can the weather be blamed for a broken handle (which I believe has happened to one of them?)...

    Yes, when I was there yesterday (Monday) the handle was broken on one of them.
  2. Went yesterday, everything is working other than Samurai.I think Stealth was having problems early on as it was only launching every 10 minutes for the first couple of hours (despite a 30 minute queue).. then normal service resumed.

  3. Hey, new here.Went to Thorpe today. On one of the water cannons the handle was hanging off and none of them were working, the jets of water were turned off and the paint on the signs which tell you which lane you're in is beginning to fade away. Also parts are dripping water pretty bad.

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