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Posts posted by Maxi

  1. I'm up with it. My parents will be ok with it. I know they will it will just be the same rules. phne evry 30 minutes, doctor BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!The B& B will take a bit more help but I should get them to allow itlol...my dad wouldn't car about driving. I told him I was taked to Nandoes in a car as long as its with other people his probably cool with it :olol...are you sure Frankie said that Holly ???

  2. hahaha I new you'd put that pic up..I knew it!!! Holz is going to be spitting mad with you Joe :)But you got to admit Holz looks scared infact so do youI loved my day guys and thanks to Mike, James and like everyone for an extremely cool day (will certain parts anyway :) )lol...you cant see me that well in the group pic..lol..I think you could just about see my head. I love the next pic with you guys before we arrived.grrr...Alex, Jo and everyone else were evil. You didn't let us join you. We got stuck to the back. Well Jess and Holly anyway lol:pMe and Frank just walked in and decided to tell you guys."Jump up and down Mike and Wave" Sorry Mike that was just so funny :PYep and thanks Marc and Mark for the lifts. Awesome guys!!

  3. I used to do graphics but I had to drop it sadly, and French and Spanish. (what a hard life) I plan to go into Law in Uni and I know they have this thing about not taking law at A-Level so I'm lookin at stuff which help really,History looks cool, the tudors, elizabeth the first, Nazi Germany etc

  4. I thinks its like about the romans and gods right Holz??I haven't filled out the form, I have noooo idea what to choose, I'm stuck between::Media Studes::English Lit::History::Philosophy and Ethics ::Sociology ::Psychology ::ICTTHe 6-Form evening confused me more than ever!! ;)

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