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Everything posted by rhiannanmoynan

  1. Colossus was okay actually, admittedly I did have a first glance at the tester seat and thought no way would I fit in that thing! But as the saying goes you don't know til you try and I was pleasantly surprised! I have lost 4.5stone since my last visit so all in all it was a good day! The longest wait we had was in KFC at peak times! Yeah I think I did have a rough cart and felt like I was going to fall out when going vertically up! X
  2. Perhaps I read my bank statement wrong then! Hi Han, In regards to my previous post, I was absolutely fine went on all all the rides apart from swarm because of the restrictions but I was fine with that. And I even managed to get on Colossus! Had a fab day and it wasn't busy at all, we got to the park at about 11 and left at around closing time! x
  3. Hey all, recently been to thorpe park and had a picture printed off on one of the rides. The lady said if I went online and entered this code it would enable me to have a digital version of the pic. Anyway, I entered this code the other day and checked my bank balance today, to find they have charge me £10! I was told it would be free because I purchased a pic at the park. Anyone else had this problem?! And also, I tried SAW for the first time and I now have bruised shoulders
  4. Thank you everyone for all your input! We will be going on the 8th April, I will inform you how I get on! x
  5. Hi everyone, Just wondering how wide the seats are on most of the rides at Thorpe Park? Not too worried about the ones such as Loggers Leap or Tidal Wave, but I'm more concerned about ones like Nemesis, Colossus etc. The reason I ask is that.. How can I explain it.. I'm a larger lady, I have a small waist but bigger bottom half. Similar to Homer Simpson, only with a smaller waist and more hair on my head.. Thank you for any help! X
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