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Vomiting my thoughts and opinions whenever I have the effort too

Entries in this blog

Merlin Rollercoastermatic Universe (MRC) - Part Two

Welcome to part two of a bored, slightly humorous random blog post on a Sunday Evening! *PRE-WARNING, THIS IS ALL A-BIT OF FUN, PLEASE READ THIS LIGHT HEARTED* Last week, I introduced you to The Merlin Rollercoastermatic Universe, (which is like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, just less Iron Man and more disappointment). There's been two main phases since Merlin's take over in (2007/08), the first one is named, hype, and you can read about it here! The second phase is called, unoriginal;

Liam T

Liam T

Merlin Rollercoastermatic Universe (Or MRU for short)

Welcome to a bored, slightly humorous random blog post on a Sunday Evening! *PRE-WARNING, THIS IS ALL A-BIT OF FUN, PLEASE READ THIS LIGHT HEARTED* While watching some POV's, I was thinking about since Merlin took over, and how their four (I'm leaving Chessington out of this as they've not seen a new rollercoaster since 2004) theme parks have had rollercoaster investments in 'phases', much like the Marvel movies! Introducing, The Merlin Rollercoastermatic Universe; There's been two main

Liam T

Liam T

(SPOILERS) Trolly Dollies Ghost Train

WARNING - This review has very STRONG spoilers     Choo Choo... No this isn't Runaway Mine Train, this is MY Ghost Train (Well actually it's Derren's, but I got to experience it last weekend). Delayed for two months, a hype built higher than Kingda Ka and being the largest investment in Merlin HISTORY! I, of course, had low expectations. EXTERIOR I'll begin my review on the outside, we were greeted by a 90 minute queue in the baking heat, so I had lots of time t

Liam T

Liam T

Trolley Dollies Guide to... Alton Towers Scarefest 2015

Good Afternoon TPM! I'm starting a new series called 'Trolley Dollies Guide to...' which will be my take on reviewing/trip reports. To start, lets begin with the UK's most premium Halloween event; ALTON TOWERS SCAREFEST 2015 The Park This year saw new theming added to Towers Street, including the new 'Scarefest' sign which saw as the back drop too many families photos this year, it felt very refreshing and exciting to walk down with the new audio & new decorations. The lighting through

Liam T

Liam T

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