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the start of 2013



As I've mentioned elsewhere, for me the music that comes with me always feels like it is defining the narrative of my life and will cement the memories I keep of certain times. So I thought a little blog of what that music is as I go along could be fun. Here then will be what is currently in my head, be it things I like, love or that are just inescapable whether I like it or not...


Firstly, my car CD player (yes, I'm so 90's. MP3 what now?) gave me a wonderful Christmas day present of deciding that from that day forth it would not eject the CD it had inside of it. As the radio stopped working about a year ago and I drive a 44 mile commute every day that means I have heard a hell of a lot of one CD going round and round in the last month. Luckily for me it is a quite wonderful CD, even if it is a few years old, being Tanto Tempo by Bibel Gilberto.

If you've never heard of her and like enjoy some Latin, chilled, jazzy kind of stuff (I don't really know what it should be called, genre wise), then you really should take a listen to some of this.

More suited to the summer months maybe, but this has very much been the soundtrack to my snowy battles driving to and from work recently. The CD also contains some rather fine remixes to liven things up slightly, a couple of my favourites being

That is more than enough of her for now you would think if you've managed to get all the way through that lot, and you'd probably be right. But I'll be hearing it all again and again until I work out how to eject the disc, or give up and buy another radio. I'm not sick of it yet, but there is only so much.

On the inescapable list outside of my car is something which seems to have been around for a couple of years but refuses to go away. Luckily it is superb and after all this time I still can't get enough of it, especially the masterful Shy FX re-edit that has just prolonged its airplay life indefinitely again.


All quite upbeat so far then, as is life right now. 2013 has started well, nice and stable. Successfully dieting (over half a stone in two weeks, go me!) and feeling good for it, and a bit of a change at work going smoother than expected. Long may it continue. Now I'm off to attack my CD player with something sharp, wish me luck.


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