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EC The Ride!!!

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From: My Little Christmas New York Trip



OK guys its part 3 so now I'm gonna show my trip to the world trade center and empire state building and also using my crappy filming skills I got videos too!! :D

Here is a video that I shot on the top deck of the Rockefeller Center

So cold, I decide to turn my beany into a balaclava, haha I look like masked convict.


One of the better photos of me posing in front of the U.S.S Intrepid, what you can't see is that it is snowing lightly... and its getting colder..... God Help Me!!


The Water Taxi...... A taxi but on water !!!! :blink:


The Empire State Building Dwarfing everything as usual :wub:


First close up of the under construction 1 WTC, I'm half a mile away and it already looks massive!!


This is probably as close as we could get to Lady Liberty as the island was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. At this point dad fell over haha :P


The south tower pool. I just want to say this was one of the most eerie and saddening as well as liberating places I have ever been. The fact that I'm standing on land where nearly 3,000 people died was just the most eerie feeling and sent chills down my spine and the fact there are still dead bodies below me means that every time I see these photos my hairs stand up, knowing that thousands of families lost loved ones, which made me incredibly sad and makes me reflect on how life is so delicate and short and it makes me want to get the best out of my life and the fact they are building structures in memorial to those who died is amazing and heartfelt and I will definitely be back to pay my respects.


The 1WTC in all its glory still unfinished but will be finished at the end of 2013


4 WTC I have to say is a beautiful building and will be finished in summer this year, makes anything built in Cardiff look like normal houses! :D


A full Panorama of the beautiful pools surround by the beautiful trees and feels so peaceful.... until I get a blast of water in my face and I trip over my foot :blush: ( I think you can tell I'm quite clumsy)


The pool of the North tower , unfortunately due to a technical fault stopped working... still beautiful to look at and pay my respects.


3 WTC under construction, doesn't look like much at the mo ;)


My video of the WTC memorial south tower pool. Enjoy :D

Final view of this eerie but peaceful place, I will never forget that day RIP


On a Brighter note, here is a shot of times square at night where there is more human traffic then actual car traffic :D


Finally at the lobby of the Empire State, I will soon be 1250ft straight up in about 1 hour, CANT WAIT !!


I'm almost it the open lower deck, floor 80 ... bloody hell I'm very high now if you know what I mean ;)


Before I go out, I got and overwhelming urge to play a drag racing game on my Ipad! Don't ask me why?!


Finally outside and again it is bitterly cold but I'm getting an awesome view of times square as well as the Conde Nast building and Bank of America tower... SO COLOURFUL :P


A bit grainy, but here is a view of the WTC


The view is better then anything I have ever seen! the downside is you can't see the empire state even though I am on it!


Now I'm going up the old 1930's elevator to the top 102nd floor, which breaks down halfway up....lucky me :blink:


After that debacle I'm finally at the 102 floor and again dad takes a photo where I look like I have been dragged through a hedge.... Thanks dad I love you so much :angry2:


Chrysler building looks awesome at night, in fact I saw it everyday as my hotel was right next to it and grand central, which was perfect for getting around.


Another photo of times square but 250ft higher and I have to say it looks more beautiful up here and because its all enclosed with massively thick walls and glass, I don't get vertigo and fear of dropping my Ipad, which is always an added bonus :)




Quote of Jeremy Clarkson -"Never has someone been so high.... apart from George Michael" :D


One little shot of the interior of the top floor before we go down the elevator of DOOOOOOOOOM :(


Back to the lobby after that awesome experience, now off to Macy's


Saved 75% off a £110 Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt, my happy face says it all :D


Before I went to bed I took a nice pic of the amazing Grand central Station roof, It's so convienient my hotel is connected to Grand Central... saves my lazy ass from walking far :P


Here is a video I shot of the 102nd floor of the empire state.

Part 4 is the last installment of my little trip to New York, and you can expect to see my trip to get close up to the Statue of Liberty, the Natural History Museum (famous for Night at The Museum) and for some reason Hollister :P

Like before you are all free to comment!! :D

Source: My Little Christmas New York Trip


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