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Posts posted by Will

  1. Joe's house is POSH! there's a nice painting in what looks like the room u go into as soon as u enters someone's house> 4got the nameI like everything about Dann's shown rooms but not the bit where it shows the wires all on the floor. The flowers are really nice, all I had < past tense was a Venus-Fly plant. Ive my OWN lil pile of wires under my desk, luckily no-one goes down there > muahahahaha :oI got the smallest room in the house but my sis (26 soon) is going to moving out soon (aww) so, ima get two rooms yay.My current room will be my work bedroom and my new will room will have my sis's big tv < Big up's and my new big bed > enlargd :PI'm have two desks: Computer desk ----- where computer and etc is and another where all my other things are.I suppose, I can get rid of my desk, and put a big bed > aww I'll post some pictures in the summer of what the rest of my humble aboad looks like. Garden would look nice I bet hmm.I bet y'all hate antique stuff, I hate them IMO. I'd rather have something more modern

  2. Erm Quote:"Obviously being responsible for all the under 18's would come under Ian, Mike, Marc and I. Thats a hell of a big responsibility"I'm 18 gona be 19 but we can pretend I'm a minorI'm starting my driving lessons in the summer or asap I'd use my mum or sis's car can fit 1 in front and 3 in back or maybe get one of those cars:Fit 3 in front, 3 in middle and 3 in back, wow = 9 ppl and holly can sit on the floor Jk

  3. When I get a job, ill get an annual pass + ppl that work at chessington get free ticksI could work at thorpe, driving lessons this summer and then there will be 3 ppl driving + joe whose 17 soon and there will never been a marc vs mark x 2 pickup routineObv we all were gratefulI hope to go to chessie and I could also drive ppl if we were to go to AT > our first TPM meet at altyWith 4 cars > 19 pplMark, my and joe (assuming) can fit 1 in front and 3 in back but marc can only fit 2 in back so 19I'd either be using my mum's nice, spacious BMW :) or my sister's 401 Peugot

  4. Holly I send u a message about asking for jessica/frankies msn, I said I would email her and chat to themShe and frankie were extremly nice and the things they said to me (Ill never tell you people) are things which NO-ONE can lie or be fake about and they were entirely genuine.She, Jess & Fran gave me hugs and Jess nugged into me (as a joke) and was so caring when I was feeling naucious on vortex, I get queasy before I go on flat rides (not rollercoasters) and when maxi wasnt feeling well. They were making sure I was ok and I am very glad that ppl treat me in the same way that I expect to be treated even though, not all people do the same back to me. But I hope and look for the good in ppl and believe truthfully (till I die Oh god > funny moment) that there is always gd in ppl.Some of u were shy and didnt talk to me, but of curz I'm new, and we need to get to know each other :) and I hope we can do this again soon > I call for a mini-meetup

  5. Intro:Heya everybody :)I had a reli nice and met some reli nice ppl: Jess, Frankie, seb, joe, lou, chlo, alex, phill, mark and maxi to name a few and of curz, christina/chrissi (The one who I said looks like Nicole/lead singer of the pussycat dolls).I got on with most ppl, it was a bit nerveracking at the beginning, no-one knew me and I felt ppl were a bit hesitant to talk to me. But towards midday-afternoon, that changed alot. Its my first time, so obv everyone has their group of friends and its hard for new people.The girls were reli nice and alot nicer compared to some other girls from college that arent so. Jessica was really nice to me and she gave me a confidance boost.Minor problems:I decided to ask ppl how their day was and if they have a good time and sorry if I annoyed anyone esp the boys (never naming names), I'm just a bit shy around new ppl and sometimes dont know how to act. But ill try harder next time :).And I'm also sorry if I whined abit because my feet were reli hurting (flat feet with insoles) and I'm getting better ones.And finally, I'm reli sorry if I nagged ppl to go on the rides. Its because most ppl have ride passes so they can waste as much time as they want but ppl like me and jess, had to use our own money to buy the tickets and wasted 2hrs doing nothing.Honour:I would like to say a special thankyou to Mark, who gave me a lift despite being put in a situation, where he didnt know at first who to take with him (2nd car trip) and I felt he handled the situation really well :P. And I'm sorry and felt bad for beth and steven having to get the bus :(I would of been kind to give him money for petrol because it is very important to me that NO-ONE is left out or day is ruined and furthermost that everyone is happy. And I wanted to make sure everyone was happy, enjoyed the day, the rides, wasn't too cold and had a great dinner. I'm a very sincere and caring person :(Confession:I also have something to confess.........?:I may appear to be a lil bit weird or awkd; I have Asperger's Syndrome which is mild autism (Autistic) which one of things is that I am sometimes unaware if I do certain things which annoy ppl and I see the world and everyone and everything they do in a totally different way to others.I also have OCD (Obsessive complusive disorder > ranges from obsessive with cleaning, doing things repeatedly, etc) and lastly, ADD (attention deficit disorder) which is a lesser form of ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Btw, is doesnt mean I'm an attention seeker, it basically means I can be hyper and speak fast.Lastly, I enjoyed nemesis and stealth and of curz going on vortexI hope everyone had a gr8 time and wasnt too cold. And I hope to do this agin sometime soon like July

  6. £22 on the day and £10 for food so I should bring £40 = £18 to spend :PWhere do we meet?I'm coming for those who dont know what I look like: A medium-height chinese boy with glasses (Such a fukn stereotype), who most prob wearing a nike or ben sherman t-shirt a.k.a Will (Again a stereoytpe)If you see one, ask if he is elementist/william > Will, btw I'm a bit shy, I should recognize SebIt would be so dumb if I couldnt find u guys :P, I'd borrow my mum's phone (Getting one soon, see post about Samsung G600) or something and pm mobile num to Seb as he's the only one that knows me (ATA)It would be so useful so if someone made a banner which they bring on the day > MANIA HUBSo where do we meet?

  7. I'm getting a Samsung G600, on an 18 month, £30 contract with Virgin.The deal currently on offer is when you buy an 18 month contract over £25 per month, you receive either a free Ipod or a DS Lite. I went for the Ipod. :P

  8. I'm straight.I don't have any problem with gay/bi/lesbians. In my own interpratation, there is no such thing as being normal. Everyone is weird in their own way :PAs for Thorpe Park. When is the next meet up? I would like to go. I live in Wimbledon, so its a half hour drive for me.

  9. I'm new, so I'll give an opinIve never had a proper, serious gf before, had 3 gfs when I was younger but nothing for a while nor serious.With the first-date kiss thing, I'd go for a kiss on a cheek with a hug because its important that the girl feels safe and that you arent taking things too fast.Last thing u wana do is to rush things, I did that when I was younger > I'm 18.I'd, IMO, wait till I'd find the right person or someone, who you know, is going to last. If ur smart, u can sense things, :P you know tell if its going to work out> its about vibes and body language. I'd wait till a second (min) or third date (max). Dont take it fast or slow, use ur head :P

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