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Posts posted by stealthtastic

  1. Slammer could well reopen tomorrow, we don't know how bad this shutdown was but at least it didn't start by getting stuck upside down :blink:

    Slammer wont be reopening tomorrow :P
  2. Good to know Marc, have you got a rough estimate of the day or date?

    Samurai will be closed for another couple of days but will reopen about thursday or before but at least now its in its testing stages again adnd all the scaffolding has been taken down lol :blink:
  3. Tidal Waves WWTP has not changed, Stealth should be changing back to the new loop after minor tweaks to volume levels and a few new songs added that were missed out.Saw does use Bose speakers, 802's in the plaza, 402's in the queueline and 32SE's in the station.

    Next time you go on SAW have a listen cause one of the speakers in the queueline just as you go in has already blown and its really distorted cause they have it up so loud lol
  4. I went monday tuesday and wednesday and today and hey its still there and the ride host said its the new spomsor so its going to be there a while :( lol Just like the good days when rumba rapids was ribena lol :P

  5. Hmm ok, I don't see how a hydraulic ram would let air in as well as hydraulic but ok... And to do with the counterweight, what rubbish. When it runs empty the counterweight end is heavier than the seating end, when it's half or fully loaded, the seating end is heavier. I can prove this by the fact you need at least 15 people to ride it, else if the power cuts out, the people will be stranded somewhere other than the platform area. The counterweights don't get changed so when the ride is running to the public, the people side is ALWAYS going to be heavier.

    Yeah I know that about the counterweight buisseness and what you said is excatly what I thought but when the mechanic was telling I was like ok then watever lol but I know that the people end is always heavier lol but I cant believe that he is telling how to control the ride and watever else coz I'm working there soon but I dont want him to tell me rubbish about them I want the facts lol
  6. Air?? The only thing air powered to my knowledge is the restraint system and the boarding gates. The ride itself is hydraulic driven. the raising and lowering is 2 hydraulic rams, the main arm and cross arm are hydraulic motors.

    Well according to the mechanic who I was speaking today as I'm starting work there soon. So he went through it with me and he said that when it lowers yes its hydrualic powered but it still uses air and if it lowers to quickly then the system mucks up which has been the problem recently with its downtime and it also cant centre it self at the moment the counter balance is out somehow lol
  7. Thats what happened today it just coudnt centre itself to park and when it lowers you back down to the platform if it lets too much air out all in one go then the whole thing freezes which is what happened today !! :(

  8. This may just be me but..Is anyone else really finding Saw a pain to ride?I've been on many many rollercoasters in Europe, and Saw is the first one I've been on that I actually dread re-riding. The indoor bit I'm fine with but as soon as that car hits the bottom of the main drop, my head gets knocked left, right and centre no matter what row I'm in. I find so many parts of the ride really painful and un-enjoyable. I've always taken the mick out of Marc in regards to Colossus's headbanging but in my opinion Saw is far more notorious then Colossus. Does anyone find this or is just me?

    As far as I know its just you!! I have been on it 53 times now and that hasnt happened once!!
  9. fastrack could be very useful now but with saw eating up all the ques wont the other rides que be quite short.

    well yesturday was very bad its only because of the easter holidays though its always a bad time to go this time of year but hopefully when the kids go back to school it will calm down so much!!But it will back to saw and everything being short queues :o:D
  10. Nah mate, I was around that area from 3pm onwards until 5:30 and there was no train

    well I really dont know then mate but Colossus did open the only reason I know was coz I was on it at quarter to six before I went home honestly it did reopen :D for about half an hour before the park closed maybe I got the time wrong maybe it didnt open at four maybe it was later. sorry if I came across rude :o
  11. how long is that que?

    I was there on that date and I remeber that queue lol it was terrible. :D Thats the worst I have seen it since its opened and that day it reached 3 hours just over thats ridicoulous (sorry cant spell) lol but yh it was very bad !! :o
  12. I got it from two of my mates that work there and they said testing at the moment is going very well and very smooth and that the park are expecting it open by middle of this week! But as I said earlier this is Stealth we are talking about so dont expect any miracles :D:)

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