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Posts posted by Gemma

  1. I grew up listening to MJ's music. Much bigger fan of his older stuff, but still he changed the face of music forever.I hope that people will enjoy his music for years to come, I know I will. RIP.

  2. Why must people be so rude? We were in the bathrooms at school the other day and these 12 year old slags walked past and went 'Oh my God get out the waaaaaaaay. F*cks sake.'So I said 'A simple excuse me would of been suffice, you're what, twelve years old?' And I got the dirtiest look x]]

  3. I was looking on random people's Facebook pages from my school, and one of the orange slags pops up. Her status was along the lines of 'girls chatten bout my business'. It's sad they actually think people give a crap what goes on in their lives. They're so up themselves it's unbelieveable. but what would I know, I'm just a nerd according to them :P

  4. Why must Barbie be dressed like such a slapper?Me and my friends went into The Entertainer in town and they had this Barbie doll that had thigh high socks, a extremely small black skirt and a skanky top. We were remembering better times in our child hood when Barbie wasn't such a skank.

  5. I've managed to scratch my right eyeball.I woke up at 1:30am this morning with a really bad pain in my eye, so I rinsed it out and went back to sleep. I woke up this morning with a really bad pain and I rinsed it again. By break time, my eye had swollen up, and by lunchtime it was weeping. Everybody thought I was crying.The pharmacy told me to go the doctors, where I had this orange stuff dropped in my eye (I absolutely crapped myself when she put it in) and she told me I've scratched it. Flipping painful as anything, I look like I've been punched :PSo I gotta put this paste stuff in my eyes 4 times a day for 5 days. I'm going on Work Experience next week as well ¬.¬And she thinks it might have got a tad infected, which accounts for all the weeping and swelling.

  6. Some of my guy friends are really rough. The school field's been opened so we sit out their at lunch. So we're trying to find a spot and some ****s in my year group kick a football at me and it hit the back of my neck. So already I'm not happy. Then my friend gets his Tennis ball out. He chucks it and it smacks me in the jaw. So I curse him and sit down, PO. Then I decide to join in again and this time he chucks the ball and it hits my ring finger. So I was like, that's it, if you can't stop being rough then I'm sitting out. So I'm walking back and the same guy friends makes an attempt to Rugby tackle me. I was like, just leave it out Chris. God boys can be so irritating. And it's irritated me because I woke up in a good mood. :blink:

  7. My tutor period in the morning is in our school's business centre and to stop the doors smashing into the wall, they have these wooden block things. In November 07, these boys in my tutor were kicking a football at us and I ran to the door and tripped over the wooden thing cutting my leg. I thought I'd just knocked it and forgot about it. Halfway through lesson 1 my leg felt really bad so I took a look and I has this massive, quite deep cut on my right lefg. At lunch I went to our school nurse who couldn't do anything about it which sucked. So I went for the rest of the day having a big cut rubbing against my trousers, which bloody hurt. I still have a slight scar now, but you can barely see it.

  8. Well basically my friend asked me out at the end of year 8 and he's only a friend to me so I said no. Everyone forgot about it. Today in Biology, my friend Chris told me that one of my closest friends had told him and some other friends about it and I got irritated because it was supposed to be a secret. So I confronted her at break and she said she was sorry and felt guilty and I was like whatever then. At lunch my other friends, including the one who told me about the friend who said about it, kept making these jokes like 'Oh Gemma, do you do that with your boyfriend'? (meaning the friend who asked me out) and I told them to stop it and they apologised. Then in PE whilst we were waiting to go on the field, the friend who told me started it again and I was like can you just please drop it now.So I'm irritated because a friend's gone behind my back and told them a secret that I wanted to keep to myself. Urgh :angry2:

  9. Fingers crossed.It's not like we can afford to loose £40 at the moment, what with the whole credit crisis.She's going to have to have to put up with an hour and 45 mins of annoyed teenagers tomorrow :P How fun.

  10. That's exactly what I said to my friends. She'll use her back playing up as an excuse, which is slightly pathetic.There's plenty of business teachers who could of taken us.And it's going to help us with our coursework (we were supposed to have a speech on Marketing), and if it were that important, she'd make sure we'd go.And it would be easier for her to managed as it would a group of 16.I just want my parents to get their money back. :P

  11. I totally would take the train, but then it would cost £40 just for the ticket!And it closes in 5 days and she wouldn't take us. So now we're going to have to wait till next year for the trip :P And we were supposed to go to Alton Towers, which the chavs just love, but the teacher hurt her back and finds walking long distances hard and Thorpe is easier for her apparently. I reckon that's the excuse we're going to be given and we'll be made to feel guilty. She always goes on about herself and her weight. I know I sound really mean but we were looking REALLY forward to going and to be told the day before that it's been cancelled annoys me. And the chavs all wanted to go the Alton Towers, but we went in July and it was packed and it put me off going again. But it annoys me cos if they had to be £40 for that, they'd end up paying it but cos they can't get their own way, they don't pay meaning we all have to stay behind.Just a little peeved at my teacher :P

  12. Our Leisure and Tourism class were supposed to be going to Thorpe Park tomorrow and our teacher decides to cancel it today. Why? Because 4 people out of 20 don't want to go, which annoyed the heck out of me and my friends. They said they didn't want to go because '£41 is a pathetic price to pay'. Well, if you didn't spend so much money on booze, ciggys, designer clothes, hair dye and make up, then it wouldn't be so pathetic. So we were in tutor today (our teacher is also our tutor) and she asked us if we had our permission slips and we said yes and then a few minutes later she says I don't think we're going anymore. And we're like okay...So at break we ask her if it has been cancelled and she says she's going to speak to Mrs Church about it and she'll tell us later. She never comes to find us during lessons 3 and 4 so at lunch me and my friend Jodie go to find her and we ask her what's happening and she says it's being cancelled and she was sat with Mrs Church and she goes yes, we're just discussing it now.She didn't bother to send us a note about it and we think she hasn't bothered telling any one else about it. So people are gonna turn up at 7:20am tomorrow and find we can't go. and we've been looking forward to it for weeks now and to be given two days to give the money in really annoyed me.And we only get to go to theme parks twice a year cos there are no decent theme parks close to Bristol. And I was wondering whether it's worth meeting my friends tomorrow and going down in the morning to see whether it is on, but I don't want to have to wake up at 5am to be turned away.And to make matters worse, we have L&T lesson one and two tomorrow, so we're going to end up doing work which really isn't fair.I just want my money back :P

  13. I remember when I got stuck on the ride last July. Not fun :PSome kid was sat on it instead of in it (if that makes sense) and he ended up breaking his leg. So we're sat under the fountains for 20 minutes whilst they get the kid out. Luckily we never saw it happen, one of the operators came and explained it to us. We were soaked :)

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