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Posts posted by bubbly

  1. Sorry Josh I didn't mean to give that impression. I'm looking forward to the ride and would be if it wasn't endorsed by Lionsgate. I just know a lot of people are amazed by the amount of work that has gone in to the themeing on this ride as we don't really see anything like this in the UK.I presonally think that Thorpe could have made a ride like this without it being endorsed by Lionsgate and hope that they will carry it on in the future :)

  2. I don't think they are regarded as highly as coasters made by B&M and Intamin etc as if you compare them on looks aswell as experience, they just seem inferior. That's not to say they are as I am sure there are people out there who prefer Eurofighter's, but overall I think the bigger the better!To me though, themeing is everything in a ride and I'm pretty sure that is what is going to make Saw a huge success

  3. To be fair, I never understand how I can be sitting on a ride waiting to go and we have to wait for somebody to sort something out.The majority of the time there is a queue for attractions, and people with common sense would normally sort out anything they need to whilst in the queue, ready for when it's their turn! Or maybe it's just me who thinks that way and I'm the weird one :)

  4. I totally agree with you Fever. The general public can sometimes can be a pain. I don't know how many times I have jumped on to a ride and had to wait for ages for somebody to get rid of their bag, but then they have to take their glasses off, oh, and then their shoes or some other item!Your example of Stealth meeting its throughput would mean that staff were worked like animals and therefore they would end up miserable which would show and affect guests and also affect the operating of the ride.I think that they will try and do everything possible to meet the targets they have set themselves, but I think it may take a bit of time for everyone to adapt to the ride.

  5. I have to say I totally agree. Nemmy Inferno is definitely the best themed ride in the park, however from what we have seen it looks like Saw - The Ride is going to just creep ahead in the themeing competition :)I stil get goosebumps everytime I'm in the station of Nemmy Inferno and hear the music...makes me all excited every time :)

  6. I hope they have smoke that will be amazing! Crushd...you say the cars climb the lift hill really slow...how slow exactly???? I HATE lift hills when they are fast, never mind going at snails pace and vertical!! heheHello everyone by the way ;)

  7. Hey everyone!I'm very sorry if this post is in the wrong section, I hunted everywhere looking for an introductions thread but couldn't find one anywhere so please feel free to move it if needed!Just thought I would introduce myself as I'm new to the forum!Hopefully I will get to know you all really well ;)Speak to you soonxxx
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