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Status Updates posted by AdamY

  1. Didn't think of that, bet you wish you weren't going now don't ya ;) Have fun anyway!

  2. I usually get the train about 7 as well if I'm going to Thorpe, the thought of adrenaline wakes me up lol.

    Yeah I have, I went to the last one which was 21st March. Does this mean you were thinking of coming on one?

  3. They're brilliant yeah :D As long as you're outgoing and confident and willing to introduce yourself and chat to people you'll make tons of friends. I made about 13 new friends on my first out of a group of 19 people... And I already knew 1 of the others :P

    The friends trick could be a good move!

  4. Yeah the actual meet is usually about 1 at a pre-determined point on park, so people usually spend the morning together in smaller groups. Obviously this is easier once you know more people but to start you off, you could hang around with me and whoever I'm with on your first if you'd like?

  5. Well the next will probably be summer I think - although with Wild Asia opening there was talk of a Chessie one... Will probs be Thorpe though :) After that there will probably be a Fright Nights meet and possibly a last day / end of season one. These are the 'official' ones, again once you know people you might well find yourself there other times too with various people :)

  6. You have too many trips planned, this is unfair! I have,erm... None ;]

    Good day thanks, finished Modern Warfare 2 for the thousandth time ;P Just been relaxing and stuff =] Are you much of a gamer?

  7. Hmm, probably either Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3 or Uncharted 2 :D

    Not sure about next time I'll go to Thorpe really... Might just squeeze in a trip before the end of the holidays but otherwise probably May 18th - school inset day so it's deserted >:)

  8. Naughty Naughty >:) I'm going to Chessie tomorrow! No more theme park drought :D

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