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Posts posted by coddy92

  1. Went to Thorpe on Wednesday 31st August to celebrate my 19th birthday, and had a great day!A group of 9 of us went, and the day started off well as we were able to skip the ticket queue and enter through the Annual Pass entrance. My sister works at Warwick Castle and therefore has a Merlin Magic Pass, meaning that up to 20 of her family and friends can get into any of the Merlin attractions for free! We arrived at 9.50am (the park was open from 9.30am- 8.00pm) and when we got in the park was quiet as many people were queuing for tickets!Went straight to Stealth as it was closed when my friends and I went before. Got on in 2 minutes which was fantastic! From there we went on Nemesis Inferno (and we were able to drag my sister on as she had never been on an inverting roller coaster before!) and waited for 5 minutes...my sister hated it and didn't go on many of the other 'big' attractions during the day- but as we all got in for free it didn't really matter! She was also a very reliable "bag holder"!After a great ride on Nemesis (and a hilarious photo!) we all went on Storm Surge (queued for 20 minutes...) before heading towards Colossus- which had the longest queue of the day, 70 minutes! It was worth it, though, and we all had a great laugh! :D After this we went on lots of the other attractions, and the longest queue that we experienced from here was 60 minutes for SAW- The Ride. We assumed that Loggers Leap was closed all day as the water trough was completely empty and no logs were leaving the station. This was a shame as it meant that the queues for Rumba Rapids, Storm Surge and Tidal Wave became quite long at some points, but luckily this didn't affect us!My highlights of the day included Stealth (twice- once at the very beginning, once at 8pm when the sun was setting- very pretty!), SAW- The Ride (especially when the foam/ water spurted into my friend's face, causing them to scream in pain like a baby as we span over the body) and Colossus, of course!When we went to Thorpe at the end of March 2010, SAW Alive was really scary. This time we obviously went in during the actor's lunch break. It was a disappointment! There were only 4 actors inside, and none of them stayed in character. One of them even joined in with our singing of 'why do birds suddenly appear...' as we walked round. None of the actors were scary, and they just seemed to stand there and shout 'BOO' a couple of times.That was the only major disappointment of the day (although we witnessed queue jumping on Colossus, SAW- The Ride and Rush...we told the ride attendants when we got on the rides but the jumpers had obviously already gone...)Anyway, it was a great day and we all really enjoyed our free day out!Ride count:Stealth x 2Colossus x 2SAW- The Ride x 1Nemesis Inferno x 1Tidal Wave x 1Storm Surge x 1Rumba Rapids x 2Rush x 1Flying Fish x 1Depth Charge x 1X:\ No Way Out x 2SAW Alive x 1Storm in a Teacup x 2Zodiac x 1Quantum x 1Coddy92 :D

  2. Heyyy there!Went to Thorpe Park for the first time today (31st March) and had a fantastic time! I was slightly worried about the weather and queue lengths at first but they didn't seem to be a problem!We went on all of the rides that we wanted which was great- some of which literally had no queues throughout the day e.g. Tidal Wave! Other queues ranged from 5 minutes e.g. for Zodiac, to 55 minutes e.g. for Saw Alive. The longest queues I experienced were 45 minutes for both Saw attractions.Positives:* Queues at the beginning of the day: after arriving at 9.45am and the gates opening at 10.00am we experienced all 4 coasters available (Colossus, X, Saw and Nemesis Inferno) before 11.00am- which I was relatively surprised about!* The weather: the rain held off for most of the day so it was only a bit cold which was better than expected!* Ride count- for us anyway! (see below)Negatives:* The actors in Saw Alive: my friends reported it was scary standing at the front/back of the line when walking around, but personally I could predict the actions of the actors. Also, many actors came out of character e.g. by pointing towards the exit of each room when they should be dying!!* Vortex: this isn't really a general negative, just one for me- simply, I just felt sick throughout it! Luckily we had a break for lunch afterwards but it made me feel slightly queezy for the rest of the day!* Stealth: it was CLOSED!! :'( Ahhh well- I enjoyed my day anyhow!Ride Count:X: No Way Out (0 minute queue...10 minute queue later on) x2Nemesis Inferno (0 minute queue) x1Colossus (5 minute queue...25 minute queue later on) x2Saw: The Ride (45 minute queue) x1Saw: Alive (45 minute queue) x1Vortex (15 minute queue) x1Loggers Leap (0 minute queue) x1Tidal Wave (0 minute queue) x1Rumba Rapids (0 minute queue) x1There we are: a great day...although many of you may think 'what about Rush, Slammer, Samurai etc?'...I just didn't fancy them after Vortex and lunch!!Coddy92 :D

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