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Everything posted by BigRob

  1. Doing my final GSCE's this year and have only done some modules in maths and sections in: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.I have take 2 higher modules in maths so far and have got 100% in both meaning I'm definitely predicted an A*1st Chemistry: A*2nd: A1st Biology: A2nd: B1st Physics: A*2nd: CI want to end up as either a roller coaster and halloween attraction designer (It's a little far fetched but I'm VERY determined). If that fails, I want to be an accountant of maths teacher (either Secondary school or an university lecturer).
  2. can't wait until Halloween!

  3. BigRob

    SAW: Alive

    Hi Ricky!I go to Thorpe about once a month and each time I've been there, SAW Alive has been working and seems to never move. How do they get the maze back into place?And I have to agree that music in the maze isn't the best idea. I am an avid fan of these horror mazes and have been on many different types world wide. The best Saw maze is in Universal Studios and made it's début at their horror nights - 'Ripped from the silver screen'. That maze was silent apart from screams and shrieks from the public. I thought the same of the maze at Thorpe until the music was brought in, now it seems to be a cheesy Saw Rat-Race! Do you by any chance work at Thorpe Park?
  4. I have just booked three weekends away in London to attend Thorpe Park Fright Nights as many times as possible! So far I'm going 6 times!

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