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Everything posted by TPP

  1. Actors welfare is paramount I think alot of you pay lip service to TP and its management. Face it they have mucked up... And sorry but private hire I know lots about they are there as a presence that is it. it says summit when even security hosts are worried sick.
  2. Private Hire is for the police to make money for example a security host would be on say £6 an hour but a police officer would be on £30 easily the Park will be paying Surrey police about £35 - £40 an hour add that up compared to a private security firm / in house operation. Of corse they have a duty of care security wise - risk assessments etc need to be carried out and security will be high on that. The event security at least gave actors / ents staff the impression they were protected. I am fighting the corner of the staff members I know. That's all
  3. I see thanks for Lettimg me know. Yes they do have a duty of care which they are failing by decreasing security numbers and replacing with untrained rides staff. Police will not deal with private matters, if they are hired in by TP then they can't arrest ppl as to do that would take them off of private duties which they are being ( heavily) paid for.
  4. I didn't realise free speech was banned?? Do staff look at this forum? But I do appologise if I have caused offence.
  5. A security host has said he is not happy with what's going on this year. That's good Anough for me. Bring back the tall guy who was in charge but not seen him this year yet... He was quality dealt with the pikeys really well. I just hope my bf don't have ppl q Jump on him when we go next weekend. He and his mates are not the kind to deal lightly with idiots like that. Thorpe seems to be too full of yes men that sit around in the offices and don't actually go out on the park and experience the issues that security / staff and public experience.
  6. Public will get injured b4 they realise their mistakes!
  7. DUTY OF CARE! As for do I know about a business ? Well I have more of an idea then them.. What good business takes risks regarding ppls security by getting rid of perfectly good arrangements that have been in place for literally YEARS! The park being over sold etc is typical - they only care about the pound signs - especially because they have had an awful year. The parks never been the same since certain management took over... Bring back Taussauds, at least they cared! Wonder how many actors or
  8. Well......... I think my point is proven! lol I dont think its the right image having incidents like these especially if they want to attract " decent " ppl. $ mins!!! Blimey that is some kind or record surely??! The poor actor. My sources are obviousy correct in saying that they fear for thier own safety. No police or Proper security means TP have obviously struggled budgetwise this year we all know visitor numbers have been down on what they were expecting, As for 8 security for one guy... jeez thats bad TP!!! Sort it out PARK MANAGEMENT!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Unfortunately that's not the case this year. As I stated in the original post. Keep your eyes peeled for me tho.
  10. Door staff have coped for Years without the need for all that gear! Maybe they just aren't competent enough to deal with the scroats! I know a member of Surrey police and they say the crime stats arnt great. Just be aware people that's all. Any park has issues some more then others. I really hope the park builds a new coaster in the near future, plans for the hotel look awsum!!
  11. So if its Safer etc why do they still wear handcuffs and Stabvests...? What next... CS gas! I can't quite get me head round it all, it's a place that unfortunately seems to attract idiots especially at fright nights, just hope the staff are ok this year. On a brighter note fright nights are back!!!
  12. From my first visits to fright nights this year and discussions with employees the normal level of security has been decreased around the mazes and particullary the rear of the park. ( Monks Walk ) Now dont get me wrong from literally 100's of visits over the years I'm not saying that we all risk death! lol but the invasion of the chavs and rude boys that we always see to increase this time of the year ultimatly will ruin things for those true customers like ourselves! I saw no visible security like in previous years ( normally blokes in black jackets etc ) around the entrances of the mazes, just 17 year old girls in high viz! Now what on earth could they do if / when it all goes wrong?! I mean we have all seen problems over the years with q jumpers and even fights inside the mazes! But normally there is a sense of security in the fact that there are ppl ( not 17 year old girls ) able to throw these idiots out and to also protect the actors. One actor has told me of the concern that there is no longer security on the mazes, also apparently there are no longer dog patrols on the road at the back of the park. WHY???! Any tom idiot or harry could get in there with all kinds of weapons etc! I really hope the Park management have not made a serious era in judgement!!
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