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Posts posted by AdamcoasterLOFC

  1. Fair enough, Shockwave is one of the rides that I haven't been on but want to (you call it crap, but you call the Big One crap and it's my favourite coaster so I might enjoy it!)

    Trust me you won't like Shockwave - Benin was right it really is just ****e lol :-( I agree that Big One is great though, cant see why anyone can criticize that, ok it's abit rough and ageing now but it's just an awesome thrill.

  2. The other thing about Colossus is it's made by Intamin which use cheaper materials and trains not to mention far cheaper operating systems compared with say B&M or even Vekoma the last time I checked so running Colossus is very cost effective and is cheaper to run then the likes of Nemesis, SAW, Swarm etc...so I don't see why they'd see knocking it down as a potential investment if all their going to do is replace it with a more expensive ride to maintain, all Colossus needs is a repaint and the odd wheel cleaned up about once every 5 years.

  3. Excuse my perhaps overly ambitious futuristic flight of fantasy brain but I've just thought of a great idea for a future rollercoaster. The world's 1st 'Underwater coaster, which would involve constructing a tunnel that goes into 1 of the lakes for the trains to run through then they could add loads of special effects like visual holograms of sharks coming towards the riders for an attack etc... :o:lol::excl:

  4. I was going to buy a DVD of me and my friends on SAW but then when I saw how much they where I was like "f**k you Thorpe Park in your dreams!" and just ended up getting a photo instead. If they lower the prices then it could be a good idea but in the current economic times I think the asking price is abit cheeky and just another desperate money making ploy! DVD's on Colossus and Nemesis Inferno would be very worthwhile buying though Stealth would probably be the funniest to watch because of the wind and G-forces on your face when it launches but it's over too quick so why would you pay X amount of £'s for a DVD that only lasts about 10 seconds? lol

  5. I've been on Riddlers Revenge (and Mantis and Vortex, all B&Ms) as well as the obvious Shockwave, and they are all pretty much painful to experience due to the 'seating' position...

    There's not much in the way of airtime on a Stand-Up, especially comparing as mentioned to Wooden/Mega Coasters, and all it does is do loops in an 'unique' position... If there's one thing Thorpe doesn't need, it's more inversions... I just really don't see the point in bringing them back because even back in the day it seems that they never really took off (unlike the WingRider concept, whilst it is pretty much a fad, it's clearly being more successful than other concepts)...

    As for uncomfortable Wooden coasters, yep, those exist, but a lot of the modern GCIs are glass smooth, and in a lot of cases the ricketyness of the Wooden coasters gives them a personality completely aside from the steel coasters (unless they're an Intamin plug-and-bore)...

    There are rough B&Ms out there, just gotta find them...

    I've been on Riddlers Revenge (and Mantis and Vortex, all B&Ms) as well as the obvious Shockwave, and they are all pretty much painful to experience due to the 'seating' position...

    There's not much in the way of airtime on a Stand-Up, especially comparing as mentioned to Wooden/Mega Coasters, and all it does is do loops in an 'unique' position... If there's one thing Thorpe doesn't need, it's more inversions... I just really don't see the point in bringing them back because even back in the day it seems that they never really took off (unlike the WingRider concept, whilst it is pretty much a fad, it's clearly being more successful than other concepts)...

    As for uncomfortable Wooden coasters, yep, those exist, but a lot of the modern GCIs are glass smooth, and in a lot of cases the ricketyness of the Wooden coasters gives them a personality completely aside from the steel coasters (unless they're an Intamin plug-and-bore)...

    There are rough B&Ms out there, just gotta find them...

    I'm surprised you think that, Shockwave I can understand your point but I found Mantis in particular to offer a very smooth ride, all be it standing up naturally feels very unusual / unnatural but the track profile itself is far less bumpy and the B&M versions build up a lot more speed and higher G-forces as a result.

  6. "These are the only coaster types along with stand up that haven't been done and the reason why I doubt stand up very much is that in the most part they arent very well received, I haven't heard anyone say that Shockwave is fantastic because it isn't and most feel it uncomfortable"

    As I stated earlier this was because Shockwave was built by Intamin that's why it's uncomfortable to ride and offers a fairly average thrill factor anyway, but the Stand-Up's in America (Riddler's Revenge, Mantis) etc... are awesome and much smoother because B&M where the suppliers

  7. Unfortunately, this is not true, Stand-Ups are just generally uncomfortable and unenjoyable... There are so many better options than a fad that happened in the late 90s...

    But isn't any kind of new rollercoaster just a fad? How long before a Winged coaster becomes old hat?... It's never stopped theme parks from constructing older style rides before and a Stand-Up is still a relatively new concept, especially when compared to a Wooden, and surely there is no coaster less comfortable then a Wooden which rattles about and throws you around all over the place, most of my experiences of wooden coasters is that unless you have the foresight to be wearing a neck brace you can look forward to whiplash the next morning! :huh: Stand-Up's designed by Intamin then yes your right that could leave you sore even their sit down rides are brutal (take Colossus) but B&M are tried and tested to be very smooth and as comfortable as can be expected given the high G-force load on modern rides and Stand-Up's are no exception, plus Stand-Up's also give excellent airtime which was 1 of the points brought up earlier about why a Wooden or Mega Coaster would be a good idea!

  8. Ok here's my thought on what the 2015/16 coaster should be and what amazes me is that nobody has mentioned it yet as far as I'm aware or even considered it as a possibility. A large scale B&M stand-up coaster with multiple inversions (on Riddler's Revenge sort of scale) As far as I know the only stand-up coaster in the UK to date is Shockwave @ Drayton Manor and that is made by Intamin and to be honest is rather underwhelming and doesn't last long enough not to mention the fact that it's rough and it's certainly a pale imitation of the ones across the pond. A B&M constructed such ride would offer a far smoother/comfortable ride yet more intense experience, I think the UK could really do with having another Stand-Up ride as it offers a very different experience to the traditional sitting down position and it's a quite rare experience outside of America. What's people's thoughts on this? B)

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