The best thing to ever come out in the UK is the smiler and it had no ip. The loud crazy music combined with the fact it's overwhelming to look at, that's what hooked me to these discussions in the first place.The point I'm making is its ridiculous that these parks are wasting money on ips. They created something imaginary but spectacular so much it's up there with Orlando. My fear is that they are going down the virtual reality route which won't match the spiderman ride, terminator etc. Point being thorpe should actually make a ride so messed up you actually should sign a disclaimer to get on and I really think this new ride truthfully is gonna be one big let down Dr who or not. Btw just to add alton towers with no smiler you're rides are old, short and boring your only decent ride is 20 year's old that's why I'd happily drive 300 miles elsewhere. Rant over...