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Posts posted by haz

  1. That is great news about Thorpe Blast.That was great last year.and wow,fright nights is going on longer this year!16th Febuary isn't half term for me,bit weird,but from what happened last year I'm quite pleased (:looks as though the park isnt opening too 10 as much this year :/

  2. They had to shut detonator because they have installed a new saftey system on the ride and they have lights for all the seats and one of them was red and they had to shut it. Also when I got on my seat wasn't safe enough so thye had to push it down on me I couldn't breave!

  3. well thorpe another great day.Got there and checking the website it still saying (this is at 7 in the morning) slammer and detty were closed. But when I get there...please be aware the stealth and flying fish are unavailble NOOOOOOOOOO AGAIN?????? thatsh the thrid time that has happened.Well after moaning got into the park and had a go on depth charge and noticed that for some reason the water from the slide next to me was....going into mine (obviously fat) and I got SOAKED. The it was detty and I really like how you can not hear the music from up there so you really don't know when your going. they had to close detty half-way thoguh the day because the lights to check that the seats were okay were flasing RED. Also when I went on it he really had to tug on the restraint to get me out.. :D Well after the good ol' go on nemesisi and Colossus went over to lost city and rode RUSH ONLY because it had the shortest queue and it was really good today the speed and the atmosphere is just amazing on that ride. While walking for another go on detty I noticed STEALTH IS OPEN AHHHHHHH legged it over there queued for half a hour AND RODE THAT SON OF A B####.YES I got on it ;) But sadly that was the only ride as they were not allowing you to but fastracks and the queue was 100 mins long.overall it was a great day won a sonic in the crane machine(luck) and had a go on stealth.Favourite ride of the day:going to have to got oo rush today great ride and still makes me swear.Least favourite:Stealth because the reliability on thath thing whenever I go there is stupid and they were only running one train ona very busy day,.....but still good ride. :D

  4. Chessington is facing closure if they do not improve the state of animal welfare:

    At London Zoo, visitors these days marvel at the new ?5.3m Gorilla Kingdom which replicates a forest clearing and incorporates heated rocks and a waterfall. But only a few miles away, gorillas are not living in the same luxury at London's second biggest zoo, Chessington. Far from it. Two unpublished official reports obtained by The Independent under freedom of information legislation have expressed grave concern at conditions for the zoo's western lowland gorillas. The local authority has issued the theme park with an ultimatum - to build a new home for the primates, or risk losing its licence.At present the gorillas, suited to tropical rainforest in Africa, are housed in a cage with a concrete backdrop, ropes for swinging and a hay floor. Although basic by modern standards, the compound's real problem is that the zoo's breeding programme has left it housing 10 gorillas.The overcrowding has been worsened by the group's ejection of its dominant male, Kumba, who is being kept indoors when the others are outside and vice-versa. This "time share" further reduces space.The zoo's owner, the Tussauds Group, is planning a new gorilla centre at a 22-acre safari park beside a new 150-bed Holiday Inn hotel. In the short term the zoo, which attracts about a million visitors a year, intends to extend the enclosure. But the Tussauds Group, which also owns Madame Tussauds waxworks and Alton Towers, has been criticised for delaying the construction of new animals facilities in the past.Two years ago, in November 2005, inspectors for the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames said they were "most concerned" at the situation at Chessington. The zoo had still not fulfilled an essential undertaking to house the sea lions in salt water, while there was great concern at the dilapidated condition of the lion and tiger pounds, which had serious structural problems, buckled fencing, broken mesh and a defective gate.In the gorilla enclosure, keeping the silverback apart risked "destabilising" the main group, which in any case had outgrown the current internal accommodation "even allowing for the exclusion of the male".The inspectors warned: "The company must take immediate action to resolve and find a solution to this issue, and specific proposals for the future of the gorillas' enclosure should be submitted as a matter of priority to the licensing authority."The inspectors noted their great disappointment that, although Tussauds had frequently stated the importance of the animals to the zoo, proposals for a safari park that "appeared imminent" during their last inspection were still in doubt.They wrote: "This leads us to question the viability of the animal collection at Chessington."Following the report, the Tussauds Group appointed a new manager from Chester Zoo and improvements were made in the big cat and sea lion enclosures. In December 2006, an inspection was impressed by the "high standard" of animal health and welfare, but the gorillas remained a problem. The report stipulated it was "essential" they be moved and the zoo was told it would have to rehouse them by 2009 to retain its licence.As children gazed at the primates during the Easter break yesterday, Maria Hamilton, the PR manager, said Chessington had acted on the failings identified by the inspections."If you compare the two reports a lot of the things that came out in 2005 have been addressed and improved," she said."The situation with the gorillas is something we are aware of and we have put in place plans to deal with it."The fact that the gorillas were breeding was evidence that they were happy, she added.However, the Captive Animals' Protection Society said Chessington should have been shut."It's not often you hear such strong words from zoo inspectors in official reports," its campaigns manager, Craig Redmond, said. "If you were running a business and you had those kind of health and safety issues then you would be forced to close until you sorted them out."He expressed concern at the separation of the gorillas. "We have seen this situation in zoos before where animals have been isolated and their access to the outdoor area is limited."When you start locking them in indoor enclosures - which are meant as a short-term enclosure - that creates huge welfare problems and is just not acceptable."

    Lets hope they sort it out
  5. I really should have gone on the saturday.Well I went on the sunday but stupid me did not check the website in the morning that stealth was going to be shut.Once I found that out that was dissapointing but hey that's life. Anyway I went to x:/ no way out and I'm pleased wioth the way it looks the dummies scared my sister (forgot to tell her about them) :o Then went off to n: I really had missed it but finally it was open again and what an experience sad to see the bald guy wasn't there but oh well day off maybe.Then went on Rumba rapids which was a LOT better and a lot more fun and I still love the view of stealth from that ride beautiful Then went on teacups which was fun. Then went over to stealth to see what was up and she said "the maintennance guy has been sleeping in" o great. So after that went on pirates which was as cheesy as ever and really not funny but that's why it's great!Then went on the fish which was a lot of fun and it goes round 3 times woot!Then got on colly which was great and due to no queues got o the front and what an experience. Then went on most of the lost city rides then went to loggers andafter doing the whole park only had been 2 hours... :P Also does anyone know what happened but around 3ish I think a LOT of security guards were legging it towards loggers?Anway great day shame about stealth hope it gets well soon but got the magical towers next week so rita yay!Colossus-2N:I-3x:/-3quantum-3zodiac-1vortex-1loggerz-1rumba-2teacups-2fish-3

  6. Hi just to say does anyone know what happened to the cherry picker hat was operating on rush yesterday as I was leaving there was an ambulance and two police cars by rush and the cherry pciker was on the floor does anyone know what happened?

  7. ^no sorry I don't I only a few videos taken from my phone which are ok quality I'll try and get them up this afternoon. The theming on the ride is really bare to be honest the area where the ride goes around looks ugly with pipes and horrible mud puddles in the middle hopefully there will be a large improvement soon. Also the seats are nice and comfy and the new lap bars are great. The announcer sounds really good and sounds very much like Billy Bob etc. The fish is great but no-where near the standard as to what it was a few years ago.EDIT:I now have photos and videosIt's the fishLogoTrainhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMdNydnN6MYhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j7jHmmOgSUSorry about the poor quality but that's the best I could do

  8. One of the weirdest days yet I think.Got there at 10 saw that stealth was shut so went on Colossus whihc had a huge queue after Colossus got on quantum and all other lost citys rides noticed that there was a cherry picker on rush. Around mid-day (stealth still shut) I noticed everyone running...to flying fish! I pegged it and got on the area looks really bland and boring however the ride only operated for around 2 hours during the day whether it will be like this during normal days we shall find out. The theming like a the art-work is good the speakers are cool woth the cheesy music and the cool "the fish is read are you?" and obviously the ride is great. FINALLY after more Colossus riding stealth opened they were testing the ride with staff on tif ro about an hour. The ride was going very slow at some points but still an awesome ride. Around closing time I noticed a ambulance and the cherry picker was on the floor the path to lost city was blocked and a man was being taken with an ambulance don't know what happened there but hope everything was okay. Overall I think thorpe were kind enough to gett he fish opened however nemmy still closed ;).Ride count:Quantum-3Colossus-3stealth-1Flying fish..dude-2mr.monkey-1teacups-1lost city-1Good day can't wait to go on 25th when everything is officially open!

  9. Queued up for an hour on x:/wtf then suddenly the fir alarm went off and we had to be evacuated I was in the elevator part and all. We had to leave through the side of the building and got fast-passes for later so damn annoying....flase alrm too :mellow:Also got stuck on the lift hill of loggers for 10 mins and got stuck on the final brakes on x:/wtf.

  10. Went today too.Got there at around 11 found out Colossus was shut but when found out getting refunds was quite alritght about it still it ticked me off that there was literally nothing open.Stealth was great as usualy finally worked out where the best to sit is (at the back). X:/ no way out was a lot of fun although they said the queue was 40 mins it was walk-on :) Quantum was fun vortex was crap kept breaking down stealth was only down once when I queued for a while but go running again.Overall it was an alright day great day for riding stealth but notma great day for everythin else fish is looking good :mellow: Count:Stealth-7Quantum-2X:/no way out:3Depth charge: 1Vortex-0 (gave up)

    I found out what the real problem is with Colossus today, its not the lift hill.

    What was it had better been good because it really annoyed me :(
  11. Wow what a day....Woke up at around 8:30 and left at 9:00 got in a huge traffic jam but by 11 we were there. The first ride was stealth and the queue was amazingly short which was brilliant to know so we rode that and I must say 1.1=1.0 to be honest but still an amazing ride and damn its high. Also quite good Laurence Wells from southparks.org asked me to move so he could sit in his seat that had his name on it BUT I SAT ON IT LATER HA HA. Then went on the tea-cups which was a lot of fun and a group from southparks.org got told off for having 7 people in one cup.Then did more stealth can't get enough of that thing. Then it was off to depth charge and while queueing for it got a good look of the fish meh it looks a bit dry at the moment all the men did all day was work on the bridge.Also while on colossos had a look at the area for 2009 coaster it is quite a big space.X no way out is also really good the droid at the star might put soem fear into people who have no idea what the ride is like.Overall the day was great I did miss by fix on nemmy but that did not matter as the park although was quite unclean is till a great park and I can not wait for the official opening.Also no photos as I forgot to use the camera ha ha

  12. I went o game on today at the science museuam in london where they displyed all the old retor games it was fantastic and got a go on mario vs.donkey kong...thats more addicting than halo :D It rocked

  13. This is the first time I have got too post my report(my computer is broken) anwyay I went to fright nights on 14th october.We got there at about 2pm all rides were available except rush.... :lol: Got a ride on stealth in the light which gave me a large adreniline rush..yayOnce everythign got dark ti was tiem for more stealth,colossos and n:IMy favorite in the dark si between stealth and eNemesise inferno althoguh stealth is just slightly better. Ride count if I can remember:stealth-3 (only ride that was busy)N:I-5Colossos-3quatum-1rush-1 (it was open for an hour)XNWO-1slammer-o (didnt open until 9 and was on stealth then)aylum-1se7en-3 (not much of a queue)hellgate-1Really enjoyed tp but sadly that was my last trip(partly due to my parents getting a divorce :( )However next year I will be getting an anual pass and will stay at the chessi horel I'm going to blackpool and Oakwood(it's in wales)

  14. In drama one of my friends did a scene were two people had a fight anyway......as they did it they head-butted each other LMAO it was so funny although they got done in by our grumpy english teacher :( . Do you have any grumpy teachers I do A LOT.(50th post :lol: )I know that sucks but oh well.

  15. Has anyone noticed ther are building a new bag room on x:/ it's just inside the entrance. It seems obvious as then people can hand there bags in as they enter and exit.

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