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Posts posted by MissNJBeliever

  1. 9 hours ago, pluk said:

    I suppose it's going to depend on individual body shapes. For all my bulk my thighs aren't huge so I have very few problems with any lap bar (unless it meets my stomach before my legs!), but am big on my top half so struggle with over the shoulder restraints frequently.

    I've had to do a few walks of shame now, just have to shrug it off and off to the next one. I know it's my own fault for being such a lump, I should really do something about that!

    as I say most of my weight is on my stomach, my legs and arms arent too bad considering! If it helps I'm 5 ft 7 and I ave a broad back... Thankfully I've never had to do a walk of shame at an amusement park but its literally my worst fear along with being laughed at!

  2. 14 hours ago, pluk said:

    I know nothing of any actual restrictions, but based on 18 stone of me getting on everything last year... 

    The only real issue rides I can think of would be Revolution, which I find very tight, and Infusion, which I don't find too bad but know others have struggled with. Big One, Valhalla and all of the woodies are very forgiving. When Icons restraints are confirmed looking at previous Mack's with the same ones should give an answer on that one.


    Edit - pretty much what he said!

    I find it so ironic you say that (not in a nasty way of course) because I last went when I was 16 and I'm sure the belt only just hastened on the big one, unless it was a particular tight one, I don't know? infusion hadn't been built yet but I was fine on revolution from what I can remember (it was 12 years ago)... Obviously I would like to go on all the rides but the big one is my favourite ever!

  3. So basically I'm on a mission to lose enough weight so that I can visit Blackpool and enjoy all the pleasure beach rides. However, no specific requirements are given for BPB, however I have found Alton Towers maximum CHEST is 48 inches so for now that is my goal. That said, is it possible BPB could have a higher or even lower chest capacity? Also most of my weight is on my stomach so rather than measuring my chest I'm best off measuring that... right?

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