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TPM Chessington Trip

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Paultons Spark

I first visited Paultons Park in the mid 80's (ish) although the only thing I really remember is feeling hugely travel sick from the coach journey there.  Fast forward to 2010 when I took my next visit to the park - this was the year before Peppa Pig world opened and the park was heavily advertising it (understandably) - we actually queued for about 90 minutes to get a photo taken with Peppa Pig (or her annoying brother - not sure which) - I might add, this was because I was with my then 6 year



Goodbye and apologies

This is going to be quick (for a change). I have mesed up a lot and just want to say a huge sorrry to those wwho have helped me massively this year. I cannot thank you guys here enough for helping me to overrcome many fears etc. But enough is enough so it is time for me to bugger off. I love this site but I can't stay anymore. Au revoir



Stealth, ice cream and stuff!

Well hello there and thanks for stopping by! Clicked the wrong page? Run - now! This is gonna be waffly so you have been warned (if you are still reading). Go grab a coffee or beverage of your choice and get yerself comfy..... So.....after precisely zero hours sleep, the night before (not helped by the fact that Mr Fish was snoring LOUDLY in my lounge) I necked a fair few coffees, got ready and headed off - at 5am! We picked up Ethan, Ricky and James & Co then headed towards Thorpe Pa



TPM, coasters, meet ups, fears, friends and fun

Warning - may WILL contain wafflage!!! Right now I can't sleep - damned insomnia/anxiety grrr. So I thought I would type/waffle for a bit - apologies in advance for rambling but I could cure insomnia with my blog entries (though this is just my second one) - actually - going to read this back once done and maybe it will get me off to sleep A few weeks ago I wanted to leave this site and went through deleting all posts I have made since I joined back in April 2011 - it took a while but the



My first trip to Alton Towers - 07/07/13

On Sunday 7th July I took my first trip to Alton Towers - I had the opportunity to go way back in 2002 when Air opened but I chickened out because I was a massive wuss back then and the thought of being miles from home scared me I was REALLY anxious about going - mainly because of my anxiety issues and also, as before, the thought of being so far from home was pretty scary (furthest I have ever been is DLP back in 2000 before my panic attacks began). But I bit the bullet and went and am SO g



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