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Europa Park Trip Part 2



Ok so part 2 is here and I shall start with this photo :P


Poseidon It is In this photo in all it Greeky glory!


Later on in the day because I took barely any snaps of this ride. SO onto the review


This was a very good ride and was quite fun BUT and its a big but.... it had some of the worst jolts I have ever come across, one was so violent I headbutted my gramps who was sitting next to me and we both came off saying "well that hurt alot!" Apart from that I liked it I didnt love it but I liked it and the 2nd part was fun also :P but I was expecting to get wetter tbh EC! RATING: 6.5/10


Lovely Historama monorail that enters england and all :P


A very good replica of the the Golden globe and a Massive pink bear seems to be in mid flight!!


SILVERSTONE!! By this point we had food, Fish and Chips to be exact! I know very German :P but it was very good and tasty :)EC FOOD RATING: 8/10


The historama with the Food Loop inside but it had a 40 minute queue just to get a seat!!! So I thought sod that and had me fish and chips :P


We are in Russia as this is their russian satellite thing.


On to Euro Mir! in all of its spinny twisty hugeness.


Twisty Train!



Well I thought This was to be a slightly mundane coaster with a fancy lift hill.... Boy was I wrong, it feels so much higher then it looks and you look like your sitting over the edge of the track which makes it more terrifying and the most fun thing was that we took the drop backwards which was terrifying the trains then turned forward and then all hell broke loose it was SO INTENSE and I'm not joking the speed it took those turns was absolutely insane, the G-force felt Nemesis intense which is a bonus, I can safely that this ride made my gramps and my Dad a bit sick afterwards but they loved it and were laughing at the end which makes it such an enjoyable ride! EC! RATING:9/10


I shall leave you with a ride I didn't go on which was a shame but in the penultimate Installment you shall see me on the best wooden coaster and best steel coaster I have EVER been on! (Blue Fire and Wodan: Timburcoaster :P) Until then toodal pip :P


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