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Status Updates posted by Pickles

  1. JOHNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... this is frankie btw.. I'm round holly's and I jacked her compooper :D:D.... how are yooou???

  2. You smell btw. xx

  3. I don't really post much anymore tbh. But yeahh. Had a good day? xx

  4. People get stressed. I'm gurrd ty youu? xx

  5. It can be fun. But sometimes not so much. xx

  6. How are you? Enjoying the fun that is TPM? >.< xx

  7. I give Joe a comment. xx

  8. Yes I am a man, ya gots a problem with it? Who cares about me spamming peoples comments eh? Eh eh EH? xx

  9. Maryam said that my ICT teacher picks on me well bad, I counted the calories in my crisps and she was like get on with your work etc. xx

  10. Spriteeee. I got moved in ICT, sucks mann. I dunno why I've been moved, my teacher hates me. xx

  11. Hehe I have friends! x x x

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