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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will


    I took French, I actually did quite well compared to the others in my class; I talked about mon vacances/my holiday for my speaking topic. In my skool, we have to give the examiner (most likely ur teacher) a set of questions.Reading exam I have to say is the easiest of the 3 as you'll have loads of questions and you'll have to fill in words which match the questions on page.The french listening is quite hard if your doing Advanced on Edexcel but AQA is quite good one to get. Out of them both, AQA is better in most subjects because they have a wide variety of resources and have loads of papers, which are last years and years beforeI also suggest buying the AQA GCSE books from WHSmith > lifesaver, they boost ur grade by one grade. That's not my works but those of the my teachers and head of depart. The books go for 8-10£ has all the key inform about what ur studying and breaks it down and above all, makes it fun to learn :S.I might be going for a drink with some of my friends from the class we have also talked about lunch or BBQ at friend's house but all's in planning stages.
  2. Will


    I finish 15th of May but I can hand in my work 3rd week in June, 20th. I'm can't seriously wait to finish; I'm alot calmer and nicer when its the summer, no pressure of work/pain.The best side of me comes out in the summer.-------------------So how is everyone dealing with the pressure of GCSE's/exams? What do you guys (inc girls) do to revise?Read and re-read and then say itMake a rhythme or songPractise is the best way for me or also doing practise tests papers, I have so many from when I did mine.
  3. Will


    I was giving Raynes as an example, as alot of the kids from Raynes, get on the same bus that I get on. I thought it would be easy to use the school as an example because it was the first thing that popped into my head . 9 people I know, who live near me go to Raynes as well, they would be annoyed, I can relate because I use the buses as well and I also grew up with them.Joe's back!I was going to watch it but was busy playing Mario Karts Wii
  4. Egg & Toy soldiers > Georgie's knows one of my fav past times :PI personally like scrambled eggs > farm house or free-range from Waitrose, M&S or Tesco. Tesco' eggs are sometimes crushed, out of date but most times are top-notch. M&S are second to none imo and as for waitrose, they're really goodI do love a good fried egg but having two makes me feel sick and 50% of times I actually throw them up, err, but it all depends on how much oil you use and your techniques. My mum been cooking for 40 years so come round for dinner or lunch and be amazed!
  5. Will


    I rem, when my sis used to use glitter and get it over me, those were the days
  6. Will

    Welcome to these forums

    Q: How did you get to be an TeamLeader so quick?

  7. Will


    I did not say that chavs go to Raynespark, OR that anyone who goes there is. As one of my good friends went there.What I did say was that making everyone including teenagers, would increase chav-related crimes. And that the kids who go to that school and the other schools in the area and in the country would be p****d off. I named Raynes as an example. I said us teens which include me and other teenagers.Me-Edit: I get on the bus for free because of Oyster and also part of if you are in full-time education, live with-in the borough and do a set amount of hours. Then, you can get free bus and half price on Trains/Discount.
  8. Will


    That includes me:I picked You, Holly for you hugsMaking us teens pay for buses is only going to increase the rate of chave-related crimes.I dont pay for buses and the kids that go to RaynesPark "school", who get on the same bus I get on, will be "well Pee'd
  9. Will


    What did he promise? BorisMost political figures such as Condalizza sp?, Bush, Blair; all they do is make empty promises, abuse their power and are mostly corrupt.There is this woman who is running for USA presidency, of the greenpeace/green party. She apparently wants to change the world and stop global warming.If Barack wins, he'd be the first Black US president and if Hilary wins, she'd be the first female president and also the first president, whose spouse was a president before. Having Hilary as President, would be like having two presidents and twice the power. But the only disadvantage is that, two might squable as to what happens.Bill might want to do somethings his way and Hil, somethings her way. They naturally would have problems making decisions and deciding on who is in power/who is the main president. That's why it is only good to have one president.If Hilary becomes president, does that mean that Bill Clinton becomes the president's first man as in to, first lady?
  10. Will


    I hate macs > mouse and keyboard controls, ewwI was told by many high-up people in the computer industry that Macs have alot of bugs and problems with them. Alot of them that only a small number of mac users know about.
  11. exactly what I'm trying to say, ty mark
  12. Will


    I suppose that is a joke and can't be racist, but all I ask that if people are going to make racial jokes then be careful, because people do take offense. So if anyone doesn't like the jokes or take offense, be free to edit.------Kids in back seats cause accidents, accidents in back seats cause kids-------What's dishrevilled, smelly, anorexic and aid's infested?Amy Winehouse's skeleton--------It's a good thing that "Teddy Bear Teacher" Gillian Gibbons, didn't call the Teddy, Max Factor. As with Max Factor, you're guaranteed longer lashes----------It's a good thing that the controversy with Gillian Gibbons has been settled, now Gillian can return to the comfort of her own house to her dog Jesus and her cat Saddam Hussain-----------Apparently, its rumoured that that the pills found in Heath Ledgers room were sold to him by a dodgy geezer..Apparently its not the first time he got f***d by a cowboy..---------The new Madeline McCann advert being shown on TV has been sponsored by Carlsberg.Carlsberg don't do games of hide and seek, but if they did they would probably be the best game in the world............Madeline McCann's sister: "Mummy, I hate my sister's guts".Madeline McCann's mother: "Just shut up and eat what you are given".
  13. I mean, come on Steven dont you see anything grammatically incorrect with what I said:Alton has tons of spa, but can build into the ground..... obv I didnt mean spa, because alton doesnt have ton of spa (s).
  14. You probably didn't see what I was suggesting that we could re-theme the stealth to.
  15. I wasn't talking about the spa area, I was talking about the space. I just misspelt some of the words coz I am using mac computer.
  16. I would love to see Neptune Kingdom demolished in order to extend Amity Cove.They could have a water coaster like Poseidon, whose front entrance would be where Depth Charge's slides end and the whole ride would be built along the side of Thorpe Park.The idea, is that it is not to take up too much space, so there can be more themed zones, IMO I would like to see, also an interactive ride (Amity Flash Flood) mentioned at southparks forums.They could also add either a disk-o or a Zamperla rotoshake, the one at Knott's was perfect. I would like to see Stealth extended (is possible), re-themed to the raging waters of Cal (Amity Cove) CalAmity Cove.
  17. But unfortunatly, Thorpe is a thrill capital. It makes sense as Chessington has bad height restrictions but have a good amount of space, so therefore, they chose Chessie as their family park.Alton have tons of spa but can build into the ground but can not build over the treeline, so they can't build really tall rides, like most parks, who have thrilling ride do. And therefore, chose to build a thrill/family park.Finally Thorpe Park, have space, height and can build everything except Wooden coasters, like I've been told countless occasions, is not near any residential areas whatsoever, so can build Thrilling and heart-pounding rides and coasters.Which is the real reason, why Thorpe cram their rides in; either that or they want their rides taking up as little space as possible, so they can use all the extra space for building new rides, coasters and themed zones/land extentsion. Providing they flood Thorpe Farm and the area above the hotel site, if I am correct, but if not feel free to disagree.The only problem with Thorpe, is that they don't have tons of space like Alton Towers do: It takes you 10 minutes to navigate from one side to the other, but with Alton, takes 30 mins to do so.
  18. Well, I thought Nemesis Inferno is actually a tropical island plagued by volcanic eruptions. All of a sudden it erupts and you have to escape by riding Nemesis Inferno.You think the danger is over but a titanic monster of enormous proportions is chasing after you and has captured your vehicle.It shakes your vehicle violently, but scared by the forces of the enigma that is The Volcanic Detonator, the brute ape runs away and puts your vehicle down.Huss King Kong interactive thrill ride named as Beastly Jungle Rampage is a state of the art thrill ride that is both unqiue and innovative. How this ride fits in with Calypso Quay, is that this zone is a tropical jungle. Tropical Jungles house a variety of tropical animals and creatures, one of which are Gorillas. So whose to say we can't have a ride like this. You may not think so, feel to disagree but IMO, I would like to see this ride at Thorpe Park as it would bring on a side that is unusla to Thorpe Park. Just like the new darker, scarier side that THORPE PARK is bringing to us in 2009 Spring.(Feel Free to relocate to future of calypso quay topic)
  19. Welcome to TPM

  20. Calypso Quay is where Nemesis Inferno is, don't worry Holly
  21. I'm not talking about Canda Creek, I was talking about Calypso Quay, sorry for the confusion
  22. My idea is that is wouldnt be going into Canda Creek / CC as you do find gorillas in the tropical jungles. It could fit in, otherwise: just move quantum on a higher thrill setting to CQ.
  23. Yeh but life-sized, that is just a miniture replica demonstration and has the potential to be very well themed
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