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Posts posted by Frankie

  1. I've been to Scotland and I am going to Torquay with Hollyyyy on the 27th for a weeeek....I dont think I'll be having a holiday next year, my sisters wedding is kind of slurping up all our money XD. But I'm excited about the wedding so I dont care about no holidays :huh:

  2. Uhmm... I fell over on a gravel path and cut my knee open, you could see the bone .. lovely!and apparently I swallowed a pound coin when I was 4 but I dont rememberthats about it

  3. I was told I would be good working with guide dogs the other day ;).. I went on a blind walk and the blokey there said I should have a looksy on the webysite lol... Dont know if I should though :s

  4. Most of the shops in Reading these days are run by snobs anyway... and you arent an emo so I have no idea what they are on about.But I know what you mean..... Reading smells... really really smells.... of really bad cheese

  5. Beth Rowley - Nobody's Fault But MineNobody's fault, but mineNobody's fault, but mineAnd I said if I should dieAnd my soul becomes lostThen I know it'sNobody's fault but mineOh, I got a fatherI got a fatherAnd he can preachSo I said if I should dieAnd my soulMy soul becomes lostThen I know it'sNobody's fault but mineOh, I got a motherI got a motherAnd she can praySo I said if I should dieAnd my soulMy soul becomes lostThen I know it'sNobody's fault but mineOh, I got a sisterI got a sisterAnd she can sing, oh yeahAnd I said if I should dieAnd my soul becomes lostThen I know it'sNobody's fault but mineAnd I said if I should dieThen I know it'sNobody's fault but mineAnd I said if I should dieAnd my soul becomes lostThen I know it'sNobody's fault but mine

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