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Posts posted by ChrisDJ

  1. Hi everyone,

    Hope you don't mind me posting this. I've been a 'lurker' here a good number of years, a year or so ago I posted an interview I'd conducted with John Wardley as part of my TV Production course. Since then I've been working in the "real world", I'm currently researching for an upcoming Channel 5 series featuring user generated content. We're currently looking for videos people have shot of 'angry' or annoyed people at theme parks or other leisure places. This is a fantastic example, except the quality is far too poor to be used:

    Queue jumper on Colossus:

    So things like queue jumpers, arguments, people annoyed about being stuck on a broken down ride etc would be fantastic if anyone has shot anything themselves, or has seen something similar elsewhere on YouTube etc. Just post here or message me!

    Many thanks in advance guys :)


  2. Glad you liked it :) I actually only just read it back for the first time since March, I realise some of the questions seem to be a bit odd but obviously I needed the answers to fill whatever the narrative was of the documentary script (I'm thinking the Disneyland question here)

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