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Status Updates posted by rollerross11

  1. Yes I only just realize A* A B is the same as AAA. I think I could get this scholarship after all :P

  2. Hurry up ipad 3 /HD

  3. the new ipad :S strange name :Z

  4. Do I wait until comet offers the new ipad and save 10% or save 5% with Apple now.

  5. Cajj stacking in Thorpe park :S

  6. The hunger games is such a good book series, I'm reading it again :)

  7. You know you've been to Thorpe Park when you sit in your bed and still feel like your on a roller coaster :S

  8. Lol no lessons tomorrow :)

  9. product design cw finished now the joy of printing,binding laminating contents page :C

  10. Froyo and sunshine summers almost here

  11. Why have I been so ****ing I'll today :/

  12. Yay MacBooks dispatched :)

  13. No Starbucks I don't care about You're corporate strategy no more CBA with business.

  14. Chilli and chocolate cookies I'm in love, it's like an edible hot chocolate

  15. Friday the 13th, my favourite numbers are 13 and 45. I'm like Rebecca black I love Fridays so I think F13 isnt a bad day :) a load of hoopla

  16. the editing will kill me :/

  17. The longest train ever just went past my house literally it took 10mins to go past my window yes it was going slower than most trains but still this was lobg

  18. Why is it when I help I e d up making things worse :/

  19. Even though I have read the books, Sherlock still baffled me tonight :? aaah it was soo good >_

  20. hey yer I have its rofl material!

  21. Being the only one in your lesson is not at all awkward :/

  22. 8Gb of RAM installed. :P

  23. RIP boyo the hamster ;(

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