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Everything posted by J3DMAN

  1. Straight. Always have been and possibly always will be.
  2. J3DMAN

    Pepsi or Coke?

    Coke. No doubt about it.
  3. J3DMAN

    Cats or Dogs?

    In a different circumstance, say, you have brought £100 with in your bag to a local pet shop. There is a kitten standing on a box, with a label on it saying '£100'. You peer over and see a small puppy, priced at £100. Would you take home the puppy or the kitten, or would you save your £100 and buy a MacDonalds on the way home?All views and comments are welcome.
  4. What is the one main thing that you would ask for on YOUR pizza?
  5. Would you rather SPEND A DAY, eating nothing but Macdonalds or nothing but Pizza Hit?
  6. Would you rather drizzle your saliva over a tasty beef burger or slobber your chops over a cheesy, meaty pizza slice?The choice is yours
  7. Wow. I have never experienced that. Was it plain scary or just awesomely awesome?
  8. this website is addictive.

  9. Who wishes that they are on board the next roll- back on Stealth, at Thrope Park?
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