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Posts posted by Smiffy

  1. Samurai got completely overhauled a couple of years ago when it was sent back to mondial and is capable, the blame lies in whoever created the ride programs. Effectively the engineers / management do a cycle in full manual (controlling the ride raising, lowering, pod alignment as well as the boom and cross controls) and the ride then saves and replays that cycle

  2. Evidently then the quality of your other forums can't be up to much... Every one of the forums I frequent requires everyone to use correct spelling and what-not, and you act as if mods editing posts is something that NEVER happens elsewhere... They are not required to ask consent from posters to change posts, because they are doing so in order to make everything look tidy...Again, all the points you make here, happen on EVERY OTHER FORUM... In the world... Ever...

    Of course I agree that correct spelling and grammar should be used and every forum I frequent does so under a policy of mutual understanding and self-moderation, the only real reason mods should intervene imo is when a post breaks the page or the usual swearing and abuse rules. It is very patronising to consistently get posts edited for spelling or grammar especially when moderators have demonstrated they don't have the greatest command of the language themselves. eg. aloud / allowed. Pot, kettle, black? I assure you that this level of intervention does not happen on every other forum in the world ever.
  3. topscans have 6 programs and also has the ability to be run by the operator in manual (this however is not done in normal circumstances). As alluded to earlier the higher the program the longer the cycle. The program used at the end of the day and during exceptionally quiet times is number 6

  4. You're having a laugh, over zealous moderating indeed. ;)

    Posts deleted for spelling, post deleted if moderators dont deem them to add anything, posts edited without consent of the poster, posts deleted so the moderators can make the same point (personally happened to me). I could go on, its definitely the most intervening forum I use. as for the point "The point I was making is things become normal, deal with it." I bring you back Holly to Just because something becomes normal doesn't make it correct and I hope the engineers dont share the same attitude as you!
  5. Yes but people are aloud to assume stuff like that because it has affectively become the norm. You know to wake up in the mornings and brush your teath because its become to norm, we've grown to expect it from Loggers. Whilst that may not be good, it's just the way it is. Btw Smiffy, spot the spelling mistakes.

    What is the point you're making with loggers there exactly? I have no intention of correcting your spelling. I merely find the over zealous moderating here amusing
  6. So what, loggers leap is aloud to open why? Its been like it for years, if it was a problem, like dragon falls it wouldn’t open surely..

    *allowed I'd say a valid point has been raised, daily inspections minimise the risk of the belt snapping but in the event that it does it is quite clear that the counter measures have not been properly maintained. Just because something has been like that for years doesnt make it ok...
  7. Really?!I've found enthusiasts the most unlikely people to accept long queues and shutdowns. :)

    I disagree, enthusiasts and ap holders in general know that queuing is part of the parcel at theme parks and during peak times there will obviously be queues. Similarly there will also be times where rides will shutdown. Its when it gets to extreme that annoys everyone regardless, ie. a 3 hour queue is unreasonable and certainly not enjoyable. enthusiast or not. Also the majority of enthusiasts will be frequent visitors so if one ride is down one day it is not the end of the world. If a family has come a considerable distance for a day out to then find attractions that are down or with massive, massive queues. They are much more likely to voice these frustrations at staff
  8. Some how I don't think 2002 is the present. Many factors could have been the deciding time he queued as well such as possible breakdown etc, he said he queued 3 hours not indicating anything that happened during the queue. Also where do you get your sources of 'info' from? Woop.

    Two separate points denoted by the use of the full stop. More the fool for queuing it (accepting that the queue may have held more in the past). The present queue (talking about here and now) I'm not being funny but queuing in 20+ degrees of heat with no options to go to the toilet (oh but you can look at a flushing toilet in the queue line playing devils advocate) would mean for me the novelty of queue line effects would wear thin for the vast majority of guests at thorpe park (remembering that this forum is for enthusiasts and have a slightly more accepting view when it comes to queue times, shutdowns etc) and would not be an enjoyable experience.
  9. Tidal Wave has never had and never will have a 3 hour queue. With regards to shutdowns, guests dont need to know more than what the attendant tells them, they are usually very minor error messages, or common occurrences and 9,999,999 times out of 10,000,000 will never be due to guests safety being directly at risk.this was not edited for spelling

  10. I've always wondered - why do only 2 or 3 (or sometimes none) of the clicky clacky backstops on the main lifthill work? Can I presume that Thrope have worked out a super high tec invisible way of stopping the boats flying down backwards in the event of a belt snapping? Or will they just wait until it happens and a few people are killed before they bother spending a few quid repairing them?

    That's how they are supposed to be, they pop out when the ride is e-stopped or if a sensor senses something is wrong, they are closed during normal operation probably because they reduce noise pollution. If you look the next time you are on the Canada Creek Railway, you can see the pipes which run alongside all of them which control if they are open or not. I presume the ones that are open have just got something wrong with them that prevents them from closing, so it's better for them just to be left open. Anyway, if the conveyor would stop the boats wouldn't run down it immediately, this would probably only happen if it was a very heavy boat or if the belt was more slippery than usual. :)

    Unfortunately as far as I am aware luke is wrong, they dont pop out when the ride is estopped as they are on springs and it is a simple case that they need reoiling or replacing to get them functional again. However, they are purely there for a visual reassurance much like the seatbellts on the coasters, in the event of the lifthill stopping there is anti slip gripping on the underside of each boat that is angled against the grooves on the lifthill. Thus there is no chance of a few people being killed pluk.
  11. Indeed in staff training it says to make the guest pull down their restraint as they will know what is comfortable however this is not always possible to get the restraints secure. In my experience I have never had a guest that has declined an offer for me to try and push down the bars further as most will obviously wish to go on the ride and will appreciate the efforts of the ride team to accommodate them. So long as I double check that the guest is comfortable I have no issues in aiding them. That being said the official restriction for most rides are 51 inches but rides like stealth and saw can accommodate guests in excess of 51 inches

  12. So can we assume the first piece of LC12 has arrived?! Wouldn't have thought the fire engine would still be there from Saw's fire.

    indeed, its round the back of the magic headquarters, no writing on it but its a British Engine and I'll stick my neck on the line and say its an old Dennis similar to this onePosted Imagebut a bit newer, round the mid 90's
  13. last season they had to block off the last 2 rows of Colossus during some heavy rain because the track was slicker and made the trains go faster. some people in the back rows complained that they were feeling faint when they came off the ride. so yeh back rows are more intense

  14. Come on... that is un-acceptable lads.... If that is your attitude in life then you will get nowhere. And that actually makes YOU the worst type of visitors at Thorpe Park.

    Oh dear another martyr for political correctness. If anything its just the posters being a bit oversensitive about using the word black. This thread is about personal experiences with the parks worst guests and so people are entitled to have their say no matter what colour or creed the miscreants are without the fear of some person calling them racist. Large groups of young lads can be intimidating especially when they want to act 'big' in front of their mates and I sympathise with those posters who have had to experience attitude like that. The fact that they were black is irrelevant
  15. Storm surge is not the only water ride to experience shut downs with rain. Rumba is also prone to this if its fine drizzle as it blows into the sensors. This results in thinking the water level in the trough is too high, get too many of them and the ride shutsdown for safety reasons

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