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  1. Thankyou for taking the time to reply to my post aboveUnfortunately when a child has severe attachment issues, muscle depletion, balance issues etc this system does not fully work. It isn't even that as other have said is queue jumping, as we have to queue but in a different sense with the time cardWe have never had a staff member not sign the card for shorter queues which would be niceLet's use the example of 90 mins in main line then for fully able person to queue whilst. We wait the 90 minutes before entering the exit queue to meet then. We then have 90 mins before we can go on even though we have waited 90 mins for our companion to queue. So in affect we have 3 hours from starting one ride to getting on nextThanksAndy
  2. I'm still unsure how this system benefit a disabled child with both parents joining then though. If the able bodied person had to queue for 60 minutes and then the disabled and carer had to time it correct to join them at the front of the queue. The able bodied person then could join a ride with a queue of 30 minutes yet the disabled and carer had to wait 60 mins to go onSurely you can see that this doesn't work??
  3. I think you are missing the point here tbhScenario... Non disabled person queues for 60 minutes to get on ride and at ride entrance meets disabled and carer. The disabled and carer then have the card stamped an additional 60 minutes even thOugh they have waited for non disabled person to queue. This means the non disabled person can go on another ride that may have a shorter queue, yet the disabled has to wait 60 mins. To me that isnt fairWe waited at storm surge in the exit queue for 30 mins, main queue at start of our queuing was 60 mins but by time we got on ride was 75 minutes. This means from joining ride to the time to get on next big ride was 1hr 45mins. Most other bug rides had shorter queues.
  4. Thanks all for understanding the frustration this causes. Another thing that annoyed us was we went on storm surge and joined the exit pass queue. The main queue was 60minuter when we joined, we then wIted nearly 30 minutes in the queue and by the time we got our card signed, the main queue was 75 mins long. So we got to the ride at initially at 11.45 and then couldnt go on another bug ride until 13.30.Something needs to change there
  5. We visited Thorpe park today and queued for nearly an hour to get a wrist band for our daughter. We were then told that only 1of us could ride and the other had to queue uP which doesn't work in my eyes. When questioned the lady said this was to stop the system being abused. She was not interested in looking at the doctors letter explaining our daughters health issues and just gave us the 2 bands. Our daughter has a rare chromosome deletion which affects here in a number of ways. This includes.... Muscle depletion which seriously affects her balance and how long she can stand, autism, no danger awarenes and others. She cannot understand why Mummy and Daddy can't go on rides with her together under this new system. Yet we witnessed people abusing this with one lady saying her son was disabled so they could go with friends on the rides and other people lying.
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