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Everything posted by Maxi

  1. Maxi


    lol...I don't even do that!! Who in the world would wants to do that?? Hold on Holly you probably would, wouldn't you???But any way good luck. Can you take a pic and show us later on???
  2. Maxi


    Do you know what you have to do??((Holz on gmail plz))
  3. Maxi


    7 hours?? ouch, Good luck Phill!!I don't do art and I'm glad!Tell me they'll allow you breaks??
  4. Maxi


    lol....thats cool!! England do need a shake up or we'll be a laughing stock!!!
  5. Maxi

    Songs And Lyrics

    Shayne Ward - If That's Ok With You Verse:I love the way that you look without your make upI had a girl before we met but we broke upThere’s something bout you that make me wanna step upStep up and be with youIf that’s ok with youWe’ll keep the neighbors awake Too late too lateCuz I’m gonna make you feel so goodThat’s how I see it happeningYea we’ll keep the neighbors awakeToo late too lateCuz baby I wanna step up and be with youIf that’s ok with youCHORUS:I’m gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earthI’m gonna saint your mother just for giving you birthI’m gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cryIf that’s ok with you, if that’s ok with youVERSE:I wanna keep your tooth-brush at my apartmentMake a second set of keys and ask you to move inI’m not crazy, I know what I’m getting myself inI wanna live with youIf that’s ok with youCHORUS:I’m gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earthI’m gonna saint your mother just for giving you birthI’m gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cryIf that’s ok with you, if that’s ok with youBridge:We’ll keep the neighbors awake too late too lateI wanna love you this way that way this wayWe’ll keep the neighbors awake too late too lateI wanna love you this way that way this wayCHORUS:I’m gonna make you feel like you are heaven on earthI’m gonna saint your mother just for giving you birthI’m gonna wanna hold you in my arms when you cryIf that’s ok with you, if that’s ok with youI love it and I think its kinda sweet
  6. Maxi


    You guys are gonna hate me but…..hahahahahaha we beat you!!!!! South Africa beat you. For any of you who don’t know I am ½ south african. I support both teams but hey I’ve lived there for like 9 years!!!!!!
  7. Maxi


    I've been to the cinema its really good!! I'd like to go again. YAH!! London sounds cool. lol...Monks hey???I'd also like to go to the exibition. It sounds cool!! What else would we do??Nope your cat still doesn't scare me lol
  8. Maxi


    lol...I love your cat...I don't think you cat will eat me alive. My mum says I have this thing about animals...to bad I don't want to be a vet.Awesome Rave!!!! The best thats happened in my road is that a group of guys and girls who are so stuck up btw got hammer by snowballs by 12 year old and they slipped and rolled down the hill. It was so funny. They hate me now because I laughed really bad
  9. Maxi


    lol...I love cats but they'd probably run a mile if they smelled my puppy on me...lol...Interesting....tell about your umm rave.EDIT:: My spelling really is bad
  10. Maxi


    When are Man U playing them... I've got to check again!!!I suppose he has a biggg ego Alex. Who would you chose
  11. Maxi


    lol...ok if london'd crap and all that matters is Dannwe go to Dann's house Question: umm...is your house big enough to hold everyone
  12. Maxi


    lol...good idea. Me and Holz are going there for a school trip We probably would be bored if we go after the trip I think but hey can't have everything. How about a different part of London or ummm Devon??? Just a guess
  13. Maxi


    Why do you think that out of interest??
  14. Maxi


    lol...we'll never agree on anything will we. everyone wants to go somewhere close. We should chose something close to ummm everone
  15. Maxi


    lol....I'd love to go. What have you all done in the past?
  16. Maxi


    So everyone just meets up and what goes investigating :)I'd love to go but it depends on the day and my dads reaction. Holz I could go with you rite
  17. Maxi


    lol...how do we do that exactly?? Drug him and drag him away. Threaten the FA to select him????
  18. Maxi


    What??? I have no idea you guys are talking about.Explain please?((Holz get on gmail)
  19. Maxi


    Yeah but the FA haven't approached him. He'll do good for England I think
  20. Maxi


    grrr...Arsenal!! We'll knock you off trust me :)I think they're doing well but hey you can't choose.Speaking of football who do you guys think should be England Mabger/Coach. My whole family says jose
  21. Maxi


    lol....you guys are just sooooo funny!! I posted your gmail address before Holz, you can check it out. But then you've logged in and sent me mail so you got it working.lol...If you just minimize gmail on the chat section it should flash when a comments been posted.
  22. Maxi


    lol...it doeas. I'm impreesed with Leeds actually. If the FA weren't so stupid they'd be wayyyyyy ahead in League One. Taking away 15 Points....stupid!!!!4-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Maxi


    What the Chat at google???If you've logged in you have your email account. Put your mouse over the persona name and then when the window thingy opend select "Invite to Chat"Does that help =]EDIT:: lol:: You got it
  24. Maxi


    Chat to ya soon....mines: littlemaxi[insert at here]gmail.com
  25. Maxi


    LIES!! Who do you support Seb??Besides, Man U are one point behind the 'leaders' so that means wehre're..ummm....2nd!!!ANd Reading and LiverPool are awesome teams (umm...well not when they play us)
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