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  1. Hope you had a good birthday :)

  2. I believe they have turned down the PA now. I haven't heard it in quite a while to be honest! Although the other day there was an Op who was too lazy to use the PA and decided that he'll be in a mood all day. He didn't even bother to tell his platformers to check the bars when he raised them. Laziness or what.
  3. Although I wouldn't say Bubbleworks is as good as it was in its hey day, Chessington have reinstated one of the best things about the old Bubbleworks in the new one, and that's the music, which is much better than the old duck cottage cheese tastes very nice. Unfortunately Chessington aren't going to be going to a brand new theme now the contract has ended since they don't want the same backlash, nor can they revert it to the old bubbleworks since a private collector owns all the pieces of Prof Burp's bubbleworks. At the moment Imperial Leather is getting more advertising and it's completely free. Win/win situation for them?
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