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Everything posted by Zufari29

  1. That's fair enough actually, I didn't think of that! Though, I suppose you could always ask the batcher if you could wait to be the first one through the next lot! I'm sure they wouldn't mind! However you do have a good point! I was speaking to one of the girls yesterday when I was there and it was 'broken down' when I was at the station for a bit and she said that they're testing new restraints in order to speed everything up! I definitely cheered when the car was sent because we had been waiting a while! She said the lap bar is looking popular so far! They're also testing airplane type seatbelts on the front row !
  2. I don't see any reason to be like that.. I thought the point of this forum was that people could express their opinions without being belittled for it. Just because that's YOUR point, it doesn't mean that it is THE point, and I actually was writing my post whilst yours was posted, so I hadn't even seen it when I posted my reply to this topic. Whilst I completely see & understand where you are coming from, if the theming hadn't been based on a temporary structure with the intentions of it being permanent then this wouldn't have been a problem.. I do agree Chess does need a lot more investment and it is hardly fair that the other parks have had so more but then again that's down to Merlin and not Chessington... I can't comment on Skyway as I have nothing to do with it, though I agree that it does need refurbishment also. Any businesses focus is profit (unless they are a non-profit organisation), regardless of whether they work directly with guests or not, and I imagine that the reason this refurb has been left for so long has been because Merlin have been avoiding spending money on it for as long as they can. The theming is not the only aspect of the park that is facing £££ cuts. Though it may not have been the best thing to do to leave it that long, and I do agree that many guests aren't seeing the park how it is supposed to be which is indeed definitely a shame, however I fail to see how it can be blamed on Chessington rather than the parent company.. They do not decide how much of a budget they have.. The issue should therefore be with Merlin/Tussauds rather than Chessington alone. I do now understand from your explanation that Tussauds aren't completely at fault, it is equally Merlin because they could have done something about this sooner. Though I also see why they didn't, and have seen that the reason some of this work couldn't be carried out over closed was due to issues outside of their control. Imagine how much enthusiasts + guests would also complain, if runaway was to run without any of the theming.. And then imagine how much more grief employees in the park would have to face from guests who seem to completely miss the point that the girl standing by rattlesnake didn't decide that today she couldn't be bothered to open runaway. I suggest that you write to Merlin with your complaints, maybe they would listen.
  3. I think people need to remember that Merlin aren't doing it to be difficult, and to upset people..! They have been forced to do it because of how little time, effort, TLC, thinking that Tussauds put in to the park, and because of changing H&S standards over the years.. Things will be replaced don't worry. It will just take a while. Let's think about how many people would sue if some theming came unattached and injured their children.... Why would Merlin want to risk that just to keep some customers happy by having the ride dangerously open...?
  4. You can avoid it.. you just walk straight through the hut! It's not a problem
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