Rode SAW yesterday and still have a bad headache after SEVERE head-banging against the restraint. Was sat in the front row on the outer-left seat (as you face forwards). I think the biggest thump my head took was soon after the main drop. I don't remember the ride being this rough 2 years or so ago when I rode it - back then I really enjoyed it - yesterday I didn't enjoy it at all on account of trying to find the best way to combat the shaking - I chose to lift my head slightly forwards and use my neck muscles to try and counteract the violent movements. Was a real shame as I couldn't relax and enjoy the ride - especially after such a smooth experience on Nemesis and Swarm. I'm a middle age guy in pretty good physical condition - my worry is that if someone far younger, or far older, took a whacking like that, I could foresee them having a blackout. Does anyone know the deal with the ride - does it capture ride data as to how much the cars vibrate etc. that is then used to monitor the 'smoothness' of the ride in case any remedial engineering work is needed to the track / cars?