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  1. Well, we can safely say that those back in July saying it would be 1-2 weeks were wrong. Nearly a month now? From the looks of the twitter with DBGT down too, they have been giving out complimentary tickets for days on end now. A bit ridiculous. Any updates on Stealth? (I don't expect anything of DBGT, It always seems to have teething issues, you are lucky if you get on).
  2. It turned out a total scam imho and has ruined their PR, especially as TP are ignoring those on twitter complaining. At 10:00:01 when the box popped up I immediately entered the code then clicked submit (Bearing in mind I am doing this at ultimate speed). Box disappears. Nothing... Then box reappears with 'Submit your details page' - So I thought I had got it, but still entered my info extremely quick (<10 sec). Then get a 'Sorry you're too late page'. I was thinking, what the hell, I wasn't too late, it's your stupid systems for presenting me with a blank page for 5 minutes then giving the submit your info box. Ugh, not happy.
  3. Just like with all gimmicks that companies do like this, the website will definitely 100% crash for most people buying and it won't be a case of who was on the webpage for hours, but just shire luck, leaving more people disappointed and not wanting to visit Thorpe for doing stuff like this than those that did get the cheap tickets. Happened so many times before e.g. - CitizenM Hotels
  4. Already got confirmed on the website too: https://www.thorpepark.com/rides/tidal-wave/ "Please note: Tidal Wave will be undergoing essential maintenance for the remainder of the season and will reopen again for the 2016 season."
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