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Posts posted by PhobiaticFreak

  1. 11 hours ago, Dean_W said:

    The Swarm is just as smooth as Air/Galactica imo - it just glides around the track. I find The Swarm to be a bit boring personally!


    The drop feels like you're just coming out of a vertical loop - it doesn't feel like much of a drop at all! I wouldn't overthink it - plus the seats are quite comfortable and the restraints are quite tight and have that padded 'vest' part similar to Air/Galactica, so you'll feel really safe and secure (if not TOO safe!). It's really not anything to worry about!! :)

    I love Air so I’ll give swarm a shot, I’ll be shutting bricks though haha

  2. 6 hours ago, streetmagix said:

    The biggest issues (I think anyway) that people have with THE SWARM is the imposing wing over drop and the lack of floor/ceiling.


    I recommend sitting towards the back of the train, then you don't have much hangtime on the wingover. As the trains are so long you can see the front of the train taking the elements so there won't be any surprises.


    SWARM isn't that intense, less intense than SAW and far less intense than Inferno. SWARM speeds up during the season, at the start of the season the zero g roll actually feels like a zero g roll and not a corkscrew.


    Worth trying the test seat, it'll show you how snug you are and how much support the restraight gives you.


    (missed the boat on this one! Still, hope you overcome your fear. I adore SWARM, hope you'll enjoy it too)

    I’m not worried about the hang time, it’s more the drop, I hate having a sh*tty feeling in my stomach and I just don’t want to hate the ride, it looks amazing and I really want to achieve it, I let my gut do the thinking way too much hahaha, if anyone could explain in any way how the drop feels would be amazing ? I love Air/ Galactica if that can be compared to it 


  3. 7 hours ago, Marc said:


    The Swarm isnt as bad as it looks - iits a good fun smooth experience which I'm sure you'll enjoy. Compared to Saw, The Swarm don't throw you round quite so much, so hopefully that helps with not making you feel ill! :) 


  4. I know I’m going to get a lot of comments taking the piss, I do it to myself hahaha I feel so stupid feeling this way, I get there all excited, turn to the ride and pussy out hahaha, I appreciate all help I get 

  5. I’m going to Thorpe Park on the 24th and I’m a little nervous about going on swarm, and I sound silly because I’ve done saw and I loved it the first three times and the fourth made me feel I’ll so now don’t go on it , but I really want to ride swarm but I’m afraid I will not enjoy it. And if it helps I’ve done expedition Everest at Disney World, if that’s anything to compare to it ??? 

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